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2004-09-08 - 8:40 p.m.

make an entry... me??? well it's been a horribly frustrating summer. i should have been writing all along cause now i'm all overwhelmed with all the stuff that's happened that i have to write about. well i guess first off is the hurricane stuff. oh yes... isn't living in Florida fun???!!! especially when you live in a tin can mobile home. whee! oh it's just so much fun to have the fire department riding around in the streets with a megaphone telling you to evacuate in the middle of the night. oh and the amusement of sitting somewhere other than home while a storm rages on and wondering if you'll ever see your house again or your own bed or the pets you had to board. oh and whee! look at that how much excitement is this... there's another one coming! i'm so sick and frustrated and yes afraid that i just want to either puke or cry. we've been lucky so far. and i am thankful for that. but no more please. oh and more excitement, i woke up to my celing fan almost burning down my bedroom. that was scary to say the least.

anyway... that's just a short version of what's been going on. sorry to all the people i've been neglecting i know it sucks and i've been a horrible friend. i just can't stop feeling like i just want to run off somewhere and cry or something. well i'm off... hopefully i'll update later.

blurb - 2004-09-08
blurb - 2004-09-08
this weekend's funness and work rant - 2004-06-02
for Crystal, RE: this weekend - 2004-06-01
Story idea and extreme annoyance. - 2004-05-30

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