September 12, 2003 3:28 p.m.
First Update In A While

I haven't updated, I'm sorry.

I'm having a fucked up time right now. Whether that's good or bad I don't know. I'm not even making sense right now, but I don't care. I still have my job which is going okay. I'm losing weight, but I look the fucking same. I swear I could be 50lbs and I'll look like I weigh 500. Everyone around me is acting strange. Somehow people seem to be interested in my uttery disgusting self. I've been hit on by 3 people in the last couple of days and it's fucking with my head. Also found out that someone thinks that I want them when I don't and it's weirding me out cause now I'm more paranoid about how I act around people. I dunno, people thinking about me or talking about me when I'm not around is puzzling since I always get the impression that I am absolutely forgettable and invisible when I'm not there and sometimes when I'm am. And for anyone to say or think anything besides what a fat ugly cow I am seems completely impossible. I guess that's low self esteem for you. Oh well, have to get ready for work.