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2004-08-18 - 9:35 a.m.


-- Name: Melanie Marie

-- Birthdate: 10/17/82

-- Birthplace: Fort Payne, AL

-- Current Location: Fenton MI, Mathew's house

-- Eye Color: Blue

-- Hair Color: Black

-- Height: 5'4"

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Libra


-- Your heritage: Polish, Irish, Scottish, English

-- The shoes you wore today: I have yet to wear any shoes today.

-- Your weakness: Pizza. Any good not good for me foods.

-- Your fears: Lonliness

-- Your perfect pizza: BLT, no b please. And most delicious.

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don't use AIM.

-- Your thoughts first waking up: Usually, it's "I don't want to work today" unless I just work at the library, then I am fine.

-- Your best physical feature: Tig ole' bitties! Just kidding...

-- Your bedtime: Sometime later tonight, maybe tomorrow early morning.

-- Your most missed memory: Liking my job(s).


-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi. I'm a fairly new convert.

-- MC$donald's or Burger King: I can eat more from Burger King, and they have DP. Big ups to the BK.

-- Single or group dates: Single

-- Adidas or Nike: Neither. Cheap.

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don't drink much tea, actually.

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino


-- smoke: I quit over six weeks ago.

-- Curse: More than I should, probably.

-- Sing: All the time, usually when I'm by myself. And I found myself suppressing the urge to sing in the shower last night.

-- Take a shower everyday: Usually.

-- Have a crush: Sometimes it feels that way!

-- Do you think you've been in love: By God, yes, I think I have!

-- Want to go to college: I do, I just need a good job that pays me well, so I can go.

-- Like high school: It wasn't an entirely bad experience.

-- Want to get married: Yes

-- Believe in yourself: 90% of the time.

-- Get motion sickness: Not normally, no.

-- Think you're attractive: It is a freak occurance when it happens.0

-- Think you're a health freak: I wish I was.

-- Get along with your parents: Under most circumstances.

-- Like thunderstorms: As long as Mathew isn't driving around in them.

-- Play an instrument: I used to play the clarinet.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: Yes

-- Smoked: No

-- Done a drug: No

-- Had Sex: Yes

-- Made Out: Most def

-- Gone on a date: Yes

-- Gone to the mall? Umm...I can't remember. Yes, for Brittany's birthday present.

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I've wanted to, but no.

-- Eaten sushi: No. Yucky.

-- Been on stage: No

-- Been dumped: No

-- Gone skating: No

-- Made homemade cookies: No

-- Gone skinny dipping: No

-- Dyed your hair: About four days ago.


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes

-- If so, was it mixed company: Yes

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes

-- Been caught " doing something ": No

-- Been called a tease: Yes! I completely disagree. I always follow through!

-- Gotten beaten up: No

-- Shoplifted: Yes

-- Changed who you were to fit in: No


-- Age you hope to be married: When I'm ready to.

-- Numbers and Names of Children: 16-don't have the names yet. I think, all Brittany Nicole. In honor of her loving children.

-- Describe your dream wedding: Beautiful. With all my friends there.

-- How do you want to die: In my sleep, when I'm damn old!

-- Where you want to go to college: I don't care, somewhere good.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Something where I don't have to worry about the finances.

-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy or Japan. I think it's a tie.

-- Best eye color? They are all nice, but I think I prefer the blue ones.

-- Best hair color? I don't know. I don't care.

-- Short or long hair: Whatever looks best on that person.

-- Height: Best height?

-- Best weight: And weight? Dumb questions!

-- Best articles of clothing: I like the nakedness, actually.

-- Best first date location: I don't remember having a "first date" per se. Backseat of a car?

-- Best first kiss location: A couch or bed, most definitely.

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: One?

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Probably two or three. And that's being generous.

-- Number of C$ds you own: 200 and something.

-- Number of piercings: 2?

-- number of tattoos: None

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? I don't think it ever has!

-- Number of scars on my body: More than I can count.

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