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2003-09-28 - 3:48 p.m.

sometimes, i wish you didn't know my journal was here

i want to complain, but i know the situation. if this is friends only will she be able to read my complaints about you, will your responses come up

it bugs me more than i want it to that you have to speak to me in code or not at all and that nothing is direct unless we're certain there's no wire taps, no way of it getting it out

i understand your living situation, i understand all that, so rationally, i'm not angry, i'm really not, but my pigtails feel pulled my feelings are hurt they are wobbling with broken toes on a driftwood plank i'm walking over this sea

i've got the fear too, see above to know where i stand

like i can stay afloat moving two boards across the pacific

what's this to say i mean it all but it's not overwhelming i can deal i am pretty sure

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