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happy kwanzaa

Saturday, Dec. 27, 2003 - 1:24 p.m.

it always happens...the end of the year comes and so does crazy drama. well, not too crazy. i don't allow anything too outrageous to happen to me anymore. i guess i may as well tell all.

i went to trivia night on last monday, as usual. guess who was there? my friend maher! yeah, he's visiting from canada. he'll be here for another week, i think. yes, yes, you've heard me say it many, many times. that's my brother, or as he says 'my sister from a different mother.' i love it. so after trivia night, i'm going to my apartment complex and chris, my friend jody's ex, calls to me to to come w/ him. i do and it's to my neighbor's apartment. she happens to be a friend of mine, too. it's him and two other guys there and they were drinking and yelling and just being typical 'queens.' it was hilarious. i laughed so hard. i didn't leave there util almost 2:00a.m. needless to say, i got no sleep.

tuesday night, i hung out w/ my friend frank and let me tell you, we had the best time. we don't get to hang out very often, so it was fun that we did get to hang out. we talked about a lot of things and i am so glad that we got a chance to do that. it really made me feel good, you know. and we agreed that we would hang out more often, too. i know people have said this before, but i never really pay attention to them until frank said it....well, mostly b/c the people that comment on hanging out w/ me, i don't to. anyway, i usually hang out w/ certain people on certain days and most people assume that i am only free on very few select days. that's not so. i told frank if he wants to hang out on a certain day, let me know and i can always change things. nothing is set in stone and things can always be changed, if need be. i know chip used to be horrible at saying 'well, this is ricky's day and i know i can't bother you.' same w/ my friend gina and ben and i can go on and on and on. but frank is someone i actually like hanging out w/ so i'll make the time, you know. anyway, the point is we had fun.

now frank and i get back to my place after going to nyp and who do i get a voice mail from? my ex, ron. i was like, what the hell? then before i could even sit down, he calls again! he wanted to talk and talk and he asked could he come over, i said sure. i'm not a phone talker. so frank makes fun of me for the remainder of the time that he's there. we kept hearing noise, and i opened my bedroom door to see my roommate running around getting ready. it was after 10:00p.m. and i asked her where she was going and she said to a boy's house. we giggled like little school girls and me and frank did the high 5 thing. yes, she's getting socialized!

so my roommate leaves, frank leaves and ron arrives. we're sitting in my room talking and all of a sudden my cell phone rings. i look at the time, it was midnight and i frown...i look at the caller id only to see that it's keith. he's my neighbor that has the most enormous cruch on me. bless him. i didn't answer it. ron asked, 'who is that?' i just said a neighbor. he is so nosey, i swear. then he's trying to figure out what's going on w/ me as far as relationships. anytime he goes there, i don't like it. i know that whininy is going to follow...and it did. not not only that, he always brings up stuff that happened in the past. he knows how to screw up a very good conversation, i'll tell you that. i'm going to skip all the gorey details of what happened, but i'll say that when he left, i reminded me why we aren't together anymore...not only that, but it also reminded me why i stopped letting him come over, the moron!

so i get back from christmas w/ my family and my friends are here from sc. i was so happy to see them. i ended up hanging w/ them all night long. it was so much fun. we got drunk, of course, and i had a car full of people in my cadi. that was fun b/c i've never had more than two people in there. i only drove them from nyp to my parking lot. not very far...not even a block. but at least they didn't have to walk that far, you know.

my roommate reminded me that i promised keith i would call him when i got back to greensboro. i didn't want to, but i did anyway b/c my roommate wouldn't get off my case. she's my sanity sometimes, you know. he didn't answer me then, but he called me back later. he was at one of our neighbor's apartments. i left the bar to come down there. okay, let's try not to get confused on this....the neighbor that was having the party, chris, is the brother of the girl that used to live downstairs from me, lisa. lisa moved to california this summer and was back for christmas. she was the best neighbor. now, lisa's ex boyfriend, al, is keith's roommate and lives upstairs from chris. yes, we live in melrose place, i know. it's all good, though. it's fun and everyone knows everyone and we party constantly. so, the main reason i went to the party was to see lisa and wasabi, her little dog. i miss him too, b/c since he's been going, there are nothing but cats all around and i HATE cats.

i talked w/ keith for a bit. he is, bless his heart, all about me. i was telling him i needed to get the g-unit cd b/c lloyd banks is the bomb and them boys got talent. keith says 'oh, i got that cd in the car....i'll let you borrow it now.' i was like, whoa! that's a bit too nice. i still got one of his favorite anime over here and i have no intention of watching it. and let's set the record straight, i do NOT lead this boy on. i treat him like i treat al, eric (another neighbor), adam and all the other guys we hang w/.

well, now i'm hungry. fortunately, i have food from home, hello! i've got fried turkey, fried apples, dumplings, AN ENTIRE LEMON MERINGUE PIE AND I AIN'T SHARING W/ ANYBODY, and God only knows what else. i've got to get my grub on before i go to my cousin's and drop off those nasty ass chitterlings that i brought back for them. i'll let you know, that is love right there, nothing but pure love b/c i don't think i'd bring those nasty things back for anybody else, gross.

oh yeah, HAPPY KWANZAA! today is the second day of kwanzaa...KUJICHAGULIA! this means self determindation.

music in my head: g-unit-stunt 101

what i'm doing now: about to eat
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave