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6:48 p.m. - 2006-03-18
my bro in law
my brother in law who is having a baby boy too. his childs left side of heart didnt develope. so little guy is gonna need surgery right after birth another at 6 months and another at 3 years. and take pills his whole life. poor little guy. i am truely blessed that a.j is in perfect health. if anyone out there prays please pray for baby jayden.

11:11 p.m. - 2006-03-17
a.j and campell
baby A.J is doing great now. getting orders to go to ft. campell in kentucky. so wont be here when anthony gets home. that sucks but he will join me at campell.

10:13 p.m. - 2006-03-13
braxon hicks
the doctor who said that braxon hicks are painless i would love to be alone with for a few minutes. because i get them same time everynight around 10 pm and each night they hurt more and more. I have a really good tolerence of pain i mean i wasnt feeling the contractions measuring in the 40-60 range but these ones really suck. they are very short so thats good. just figured if anyone out there is pregnant or about to get pregnant watch out for those in third trimester because they are a pain. yup i was gonna try labor without any meds everyone said i was crazy i see now that epideral is looking better and better each and every day.

12:34 p.m. - 2006-03-12
A.J the chunkie
ok the good news is it was a false alarm. they made me stay there for a while cause they said i was having contractions measuring in the 40s not sure what that means but i know i didnt feel any contractions. However everything is good with the little guy. Got some pics of him and he has a fat belly. he like all belly definetely not underweight he is gonna have to go jogging with mom when he is old enough if he still fat.

7:38 p.m. - 2006-03-11
aj news
my water either broke or is leaking so aj might be coming a month and a half early. not sure but a little nervous i am. will keep ya posted.

5:13 p.m. - 2006-03-11
marriage and child
pretty much this is the one place i can be honest without my husband finding out. I made a big mistake. I met Anthony when i got to my new unit after i got back into country. We became friends and one day he said he liked me a little different then i thought he did. i didnt want to hurt his feelings so i agreed to date him. a month later he was talking about marriage. i didnt take him seriously so i was like yeah ok. then he tells me he set a date. So I felt obligated to follow through with the getting married. About a month and a half later find out we are gonna be parents so now Im more determined then ever to do right by my unborn son and husband. He has sense become a completely different person and we just dont get along. Unfortunetly i made this bed so now i have to lay in it. I want whats best for my son and thats his parents together. I love A.J (My son) more then anything in the world. so gotta make this work. Just had to get that out of my system.

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