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2013-09-16 - 6:51 p.m.

I haven't been on this old diary in years! I'm a different person now in so many ways, but I am still a huge Sci-Fi fan. I met many of you at the old The Sci-Fi Vine, then some of us moved to EzBoards and the Yuku together. I go to school full time now, and I run a handful of blogs, one of them, a political blog is two years old and is the oldest blog I have. I did just start a sci-fi blog a couple of months ago, its called The Sci-Fi Dominion at come and join me there sometime. The blog also has a corresponding FaceBook page, check it out. And if you feel comfortable, mention you know me from TSFV or EzBoard. I miss my old friends from those places!

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What I'm up to recently sci-fi - 2013-09-16
Philosophyborrowed - 2004-01-10
themayonnaisejar - 2003-11-14
Today's Thawt. - 2003-11-08
PsiProne's Sci-Fi Nexus - 2003-09-23

Vorlon-Enhanced Psi @
*The Sci-Fi Alliance*
You cannot stop someone who's been touched by Vorlons!

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