more survey stuff


Because I'm lazy.

Five Songs you know by memory

Just five? Sheesh. How 'bout five Springsteen songs?

1. "Because the Night"
2. "Thunder Road"
3. "Atlantic City"
4. "The River"
5. "No Surrender"

Five Things you can't live without:

1. My internet connection
2. My music.
3. Springsteen boots
4. My collection of books
5. Pizza. (well not really, but I was running out of things)

Five things you would buy with $1000:
1. iPod
2. Nice SLR camera
3. Laptop
4. Springsteen tickets for Oct 4 for the pit.
5. Plane ticket to New York.

Top Five Locations I want to run away to:

1. Scotland
2. Alaska
3. Maine
4. Central Idaho
5. London

Name five bad habits you have:

1. Biting nails
2. Drinking Mt. dew
3. Not finishing things
4. None
5. None (i'm nearly perfect, doncha know?)

Name 5 Random facts about yourself:

1. My brother killed himself when I was twenty years old.
2. I have black hair and brown eyes.
3. I secretly want to get a tatoo.
4. When I was in 5th grade I won a writing contest and go to go to a fair sponsored by the college.
5. The only language I know is English.

Name 5 Random facts about your family:

1. My dad works as a corporate trainer.
2. My mom has a master's in adult education, but can't find a teaching job.
3. My sister is pregnant with her first child.
4. At family reunions there are generaly 2-3 dozen people there.
5. My grandma's brother died in WWII.

Name 5 Websites you recommend:

1. The Covers Project
2. The Mirror Project
3. 1000 Journals
4. Peter Breinholt

Ever fallen for your best girl friend? Yes, and it was a mess
Made out with JUST a girl friend?No.
Been in love?Yeah, it hurt.
Been in lust? Heh. I plead the 5th
Done something you regret? Too many times
Last person you touched Customer who's hand I shook.
You talked toJanet
You hugged? Magen
You instant messaged?Kelly
You yelled at? A stupid driver.
You had a crush on? Magen.
Do you color your hair? Not now, but once I had it streaked with blonde highglihts.
Have tattoos?No
Piercings? Nope, and I never will.
Floss daily?No
Own a webcam?No
Habla espanol?No
Obsessive? Not really, but when I tend to latch on to something I latch hard. I tend to be a completist when it comes to collections.
If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Backstage on Oct 4 as Bruce and co end this current tour.
What are you listening to? Some crappy music that's on the radio because it's playing at work. Bleh. (Though I am sneaking in doses of NPR thanks to a high speed connection at work.)
Current Clothes Red work shirt, slacks, dress shoes, and gasp, white socks. (Yes, I know it's a major fashion no-no, but nobody can see them.)
Current Hair: Black and cut short.


rings, quizzes,
and other
sundry items

Artists I Support

Peter Breinholt
Crash Kelly
Flogging Molly
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds