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2009-02-08 - 11:45 a.m.

i had to take my gutters apart this morning in order to liberate a fucking starling that was running back and forth under my gutter guards... not that i am a fan of nasty ass birds, or taking apart gutters, but if that fucking thing would have died in my gutter system and no one knew, then when my sump pump tried eject water, it would run out all over the house... but none of that matters, i got the bird out, and it lived... both of us win... now showers and sixty degree weather all of the way... sundays are nice due to me being off work, but what i really love is getting to sleep in... well... not this sunday... but that's okay i guess... maybe someone out there got some sleep for me... "but now is not the time to think of such things" said xing xao, and then we went to grandmoms... genn langley and daddy...
busy and not so busy, another darn tootin' sunday is halfway over...

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