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Here sitting in an air-conditioned internet cafe I think to myself: am I really in Thailand?

After a month of studying English Grammer and Phonetics in a TEFL course in Phuket, I am ready to move on. Phuket is beautiful, just not in Phuket Town where the course is located. The beaches are fantastic, though I suggest avoiding Patong unless you enjoy young girls parading around trying to find the next male victim. Avoid Patong unless you like freak shows.

The sizes and shapes of people in Thailand are definitely more varied than those in China. Many more variations between tall and short, light and dark, skinny and fat. There's still lots of smoking by the men.

Nearly all the instructors in the TEFL course smoke like mad. I guess it must be a requirement. Just like one of the other unsaid requirements is to have a Thai boyfriend or girlfriend in order to be a TEFL instructor. Everybody's got their own. Maybe I'll follow suit in Cambodia?

After all the Arepa has failed to email me in over 3 weeks, so why not just carry on with different fellow in Cambodia? When I leave, I'll leave him behind and return to the Arepa if he's still around when I get back home. I'm turning into a little she-devil, so devious am I.

earlier - later

Reflecting on a TEFL course - Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003

Sawadeekah! - Monday, Oct. 27, 2003

Honey! So very funny. - Friday, Oct. 03, 2003

Packing to Re-Pack - Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003

Let's Salsa with the Pasta! - Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003

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