2005-05-11 - 9:29 p.m.
I feel like shit. Oh my fucking god what a fucking surprise. I really need to get a fucking grip but it seems every fucking time I try to I grab something slippery, leaving me down again. I should be able to help myself by now. I've got myself through the bad times so I should be able to stop being like this by now. I HAVE NOTHING TO BE LIKE THIS ABOUT. I make myself angry that I get like this, like a week or sumin since my last entry and it was pretty much the same, it always fucking is. ALL THE SHIT ABOUT WANTING TO HURT MYSELF. WELL FUCK THAT IM NOT GONNA COS I CAN CONTROL MYSELF. I AM IN CHARGE OF ME, I DONT HAVE TO BE MY LITTLE PSYCHO SELF I DONT HAVE TO BE AND DO ANYTHING I DONT WANT TO. I CAN GO FOREVER WITHOUT CUTTING MYSELF. MY URGES ARENT GONNA GO AWAY IN A HURRY AND MY FEELINGS SEEM TO STAY THE SAME. WHAT WORKS??????? WHAT THE FUCK WORKS??? HOW CAN I FUCKING MEND ME WHEN IM NOT EVEN FUCKING BROKEN. IM JUST FUCKED UP COS I MADE MYSELF THAT WAY. THERES NOTHING MORE THAN THAT, IM JUST THE PROBLEM. IM A HAZARD TO MYSELF.

There's music playing
But we dance to the beat
Of our own black hearts
And draw diagrams
Of suicide on each other's wrists
Then trace them with razorblades

Boulevard | Of Broken | Dreams

I'm just a girl, I'm confused with my feelings - I dont know what my heart or head is telling me, I don't know what I want. When I achieve what I thought I wanted, I'm usually not satisfied andn just get into a bigger mess than before!

ummm friends, my bf, getting sweet revenge, finding out I'm not the only one who feels a certain way, wage increase, devoted friends, talking to happy people, deep, meaning ful conversations, shopping, christmas, dland, writing, msn, computer, internet, music, walking, watching films, laughing, sharp objects

Being ignored, feeling lonely, frustrated, heart broken, one way feelings, having a best friend who really dont care bout me and whom I dont care about, cancelling plans with friends, seeing a crap movie, being disappointed, realising it was all a lie, not being able to move on, him not talking to me a lot anymore, cutting being a bad habit - I sometimes wish I could just do it whenever, but other times dont because I know its a problem, running out of credit, knowing how powerless I am over so many things.