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9:52 a.m. - 2007-09-02
Why Nothing Else Matters
What DOES Matter:

1. Love - a partner, friends, family

2. Spirituality - find your path, follow it and to hell with what others think!

3. Your Passion - find what makes you passionate and follow your bliss!


To HELL with politics, religion, the status quo! These things do not matter, have not matter, will not matter. On a day to day basis, only YOU matter.. your love, spirituality, and your passion.

To HELL with material things.. they only give you temporary happiness until the next new gadget comes out. Do you really want to be a slave to material things? or the Master of your own life?

To HELL with the opinions of others.. Do they really know YOU, the real YOU, the passionate YOU? Of course not! So why does their opinion of you MATTER?

To HELL with causes.. the only difference YOU can truly make is with YOURSELF! Change YOU and the world changes with you! WHY? Because your perception changes!

8:51 a.m. - 2007-09-02
This is just a test

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