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2003-07-23 - 11:04 a.m.


Everybody hates him! Everybody hates him!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen the BOY CHILD who got my job is universally disliked by his fellow compatriots. Most of who, love me. However, most of them don�t know I had applied for and was passed on for that job. I did not want to share with too many people because this place is not THAT big and just did not want all the repercussions that would come along with it. I told the necessary people here of course like bossman, but restricted my discussion of the event to family and friends not connected directly with the workplace. In any event, he is strange apparently and has very bad social skills and is not playing well with the others. I, on the other hand, would have fit in like a glove and all would be peaceful and harmonious. But, Noooooo, the universe has other plans. Oh, whatever.

I am dragging myself through this week. Have not felt good and have felt stressed with little vision of it getting better. I hate this feeling. Is this depression? Hmmmm.

Last night I had the strangest dream. Now, don�t stop reading just because I said the word �dream�. I�ll keep it short. Here at work, we no longer had a normal bathroom. We had to �go� in a cabinet. Like a small supply cabinet. Just big enough for one person to crawl into. Once you did your �business� you had to either put it in a paper towel (you know, the tri-fold kind every office in America owns by the millions�.) or have used a cup and take it out of the cabinet with you to discard. I never got that far in the dream. I only remember pooping in a cabinet and pulling paper towels, one after another, to pick up my poop. Odd. What is that about? And I did not even need to poop. Sometimes I do dream I am peeing, because I really have to pee bad but don�t want to wake up�. I am sure that�s common, and if it�s not, please don�t tell me. Anyway�. Every time I walk into the bathroom today I am saying a small prayer of thanks for the full facility. That cabinet was small, not to mention hardly private.

I am avoiding telling my co-workers that I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 1:30pm. I have Friday off (to conduct Operation MIL pick up for Phantom of the Opera disaster scheduled for Saturday) and ordinarily I would not make an appointment for myself at that time of day. My dentist is 30 mins from the office. They ALWAYS run late and my cleanings take about an hour. So, let�s do the math. I leave here at 1pm. Arrive at dentist at 1:30. Probably sit in waiting room until 1:45 or 2. Get in chair. Do cleaning. Leave dentist at 2:45 or 3. Drive back to office. Get here at 3:15 or 3:30. Leave at 4:30. Hardly seems worth it� all that driving� and I am just going to be gone on Friday. Usually I would schedule for later in the day, so returning to the office clearly would not make sense. But I double booked my semi-annual cleaning and the spawn�s one year check up for the same day, ~the same time. And since his appointment involved life important immunizations, I chose to reschedule the cleaning. Well, little did I know that this would mean pushing out my cleaning almost 5 weeks and having to take a time unfriendly appointment. Not to mention, I have a user training from 9:30 to noon tomorrow, so really, I will be away from my desk most of the day. Jeeze. I suck.


People who are pissed at me: Spacely

People who I am pissed at: Hubby

People I am annoyed with: Shannooner

People who are annoyed with me: Hubby and soon to be co-workers

People who are too drugged to know the difference: SIL

People who should be too drugged to know if the difference: BIL

People who are never on-line anymore and who apparently hate me: Dad

People I should call today because a) it�s her 19th birthday and I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday and b) because he ALWAYS calls me and I rarely call him: Sister and brother

People who need to HELP ME OUT: J (damn you!)


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