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2024-03-01 - 11:00 p.m.

I miss April. I'll get back to that.

It has apparently been nearly six weeks since I last posted an entry. Traditionally, I read my prior entry first, at least since I've added a handful of entries since I began talking to April again a couple months ago.

It was a nice entry. I've very glad to have written it. Without having done so, it would be much harder to go back to that night and remember those feelings. So again, I'm very glad I did.

April and I have only spoken a couple more times since, maybe three. I'm not sure why we've been talking less. It's partially because it's tax season for me. That said, we have texted via Snapchat quite a bit and she reaches out to me that way quite a bit. She has never asked to speak on the phone though, and quite honestly I'm a bit perplexed by it. I don't know that I want to spend too much time talking about that, I'd like to move back to more positive things, but I wanted to at least mention it.

I miss her though. I miss her from twenty years ago and I miss our call from six weeks ago. All calls with her have been great, but that one was especially great. She herself has a lot going on. She has quite a few medical issues that are probably really hard on her, probably moreso than she lets on.

My life is pretty nuts right now, but overall it's going well. I enjoy my work even though a lot of it is required. Taylor is doing great overall. I need to keep her moving in that direction though, as far teaching her to read, write, etc. I need to do a bit of research on how to best go about these matters. I want her to be very ready for Kindergarten when the time comes. And I want her to be well-educated and self-sufficient in this extremely difficult world we live in.

In any case, I thought I would check in and jot some items down. April, I miss you. I hope we get together sometimes relatively soon and I hope the sparks fly. For now, I would be more than content for another lengthy call. I feel obliged to myself to attempt to leave this ball in her court and let her initiate the next call. We'll see.


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