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You're a complete girlie-girl, and you have major self-confidence. You love to flirt, and your "I'm a total diva!" attitude has guys calling you 24/7. Because you're so bold, you can pull off these supersexy looks. but try to remember: it's not a complete trauma to go (gasp!) makeup-free once in a while. You may even find that you actually like the low-key, crunchy-chick look -as well as all the extra time you'll have left over.

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty

Sexually, I am...

You have one seriously insatiable appetite for action! You're a tigress who never appologises for your abundance of erotic energy and are unabashedly enthusiastic about sex. In order for sex to meet your standards, you prefer control over your men. You may even indulge in some domination, if ya know what I mean... As a passionate person, you also expect alot from your bedmates. Your do-it-to-me-now demands can make you a little hard to please and men may sometimes ask you to slow down a bit, but they should know better. No one can tame you.

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

No psycho slayer is going to get between you and your right to life. You're an ass-kicker, a charge taker, and if need be, a monster masher. You're level-headed in sticky situations, you trust yout instincts, and you're not afraid to get a little dirty while getting the job done. Simply put, you rock! But don't get carried away. Even though your little brother might act like a creep sometimes, you definately shouldn't be driving stakes through his heart!

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

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November 21, 2003 - 2:09 p.m.

Kay, I'm stupid... I know

Drew: well, if she works saturday, we can meet during the day

me: so you were hiding from me?

me: why are you invisible?

Drew: no, playing with the dogs before I go to work

me: aww...

Drew: heres a pic of Gunner, his ears are up

me: why are you so ... adorable?

me: damn,

me: how cute...

me: you know, I stopped at petsmart last week and picked them both up bones. =P

me: wonderful person that I am

Drew: awwww

me: yep...

me: then you blew me off, broke my heart

me: made me all bitchy, got bitchy yourself...

me: lol

Drew: Im sorry, but I couldnt go, she was like a pitbull on a puppy

me: lol, are you happy?

Drew: so far

me: thats the honest question

me: then why would you even consider meeting me?

me: I'm trying to understand

Drew: why not... if anything else we can hang out as friends

me: yeah, but you'll fall for me shortly after you meet me in person. =P

me: then you'll have a dilemna

Drew: maybe

me: you into drama?

Drew: no

me: or just not as happy as you think you perhaps could be?

Drew: perhaps

me: kay, see, I just need to understand you a bit better

me: you mention how wonderful she is, which makes me feel for even chatting with you, but yet you seem to have no remorse

me: so.. I'm thinking you're not fully satisfied

me: Not that I'm trying to understand you, lol, maybe just your reasoning

me: though

me: so, when will you know if she's working?

Drew: tonight

Drew: no

Drew: a doctors office

Me: oh...

Me: you working tonight?

Me: how're you feeling by the way?

Drew: Im kinda ok

Me: throat still hurt?

Drew: kinda

Me: I bet you're still wanting that back rub....

Me: =)

Drew: mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Drew: she saw u type that last night

Me: never have too many of them.=)

Drew: i was caught red handed

Me: yeah, I figured

Me: you left very abruptly

Me: what did she say?

Me: I did forwarn you...

Me: didnm't I?

Drew: she asked who u were, I said "just a friend"

Me: did you get in trouble?

Drew: no, shes not the internet jealous type

Drew: well baby, I need to start getting ready for work

Me: but would she be *saturday lunch* jealous?

Me: aww, you're leaving me?

Drew: shed be ok

Me: well how're you gonna let me know?

Drew: I'll get on messenger later, or call u

Me: kay, I've got both cell numbers right now, which do you have?

Me: 521 or 917?

Drew: 521

Me: kay, if it doesn't go through... 917-****

Me: I'll be taking back that number as soon as the other one dies...

Drew: ok

Me: I'll think of you tonight, be safe

Me: =)

Drew: ok, nite baby

Me: night honey

Me: =)

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