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Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 - 1:26 p.m.

I am in a good mood today! I will be off work for 10 days and visiting my soldier! Good Times, good times. Can't wait to get out of the big city, with it's traffic and smog and go somewhere where you can actually see the sky filled with stars at night.

I recieved an email from Allen's Mother...did I fail to mention his Mom and Dad and I have a great relationship?! His Mom once told me (this was after we all found out he was cheating on me and we broke up) that she wished she had me for a daughter...awwwwwwwww, so sweet! :) She gives me the 411 on whats going on with him and his not getting his head on right.

Eeek! I'm late for a meeting!! Gotta go, write more later!

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