The current mood of Endless_void at





rolling stones



2016-03-08 - 9:40 p.m.

He always knew it would end the way it all started, as the blood drips down his back he takes comfort in knowing that life has a way of catching up with you.
He thought to himself This is how it ends not with a bang but with a wimper who would have guessed the one time i wasn't watching my own back.

He began to think back to when this all began when did it all turn so sour? why did it have to end like this?

October 1997

The day began like any other, morning rush around the house, his mother sleeping while he and his siblings rush to get ready for school,
he was an ordinary student passing grades blending into the crowd and trying to get by. This day would be different, "mom i need money for bus fare to go to school" his mother still in the haze of waking up said "I need you to stay home and watch your brother today" little did he know this would become his new daily ritual.

His mother a full time student and single parent had no other choice, she needed him to care for his siblings so she could finish her schooling, At 16 it is not necessary for him to go to school, this was the start he thought, this is where it all began to unravel for him...

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