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2005-01-28 - 1:32 p.m.

Mitchmo and I got married early last month. Ha. It's pretty funny considering the thoughtless things I wrote about him, like his bad grammar, not to mention all the times I swore that I would never don a proverbial dreaded ball and chain. Pretty funny. We eloped as I opted against having to endure months and months of unnecessary headaches that invariably accompany any and all wedding preparations. Actually, what it really boiled down to was me not wanting to put up with Mitchmo's mom. That woman is my worst nightmare incarnate, I swear. She was an octupus who had her tentacles all over everything. She was making our plans for us without asking if we even wanted plans, then, when Mitch and I said we didn't think all the pomp was necessary, she got really defensive and said we didn't appreciate her. ???? Wierdo, I swear. She didn't call Mitch for a week - and that's a really long time for her - when she was rifling through Mitch's mail and discovered that he paid 8 Gs for my engagement ring. It was the best week of our new life.

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