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08 April 2006 - 9:14 p.m.

I am back! So much has happened to me.
I got married.
We've almost separated twice.
I got stage 3 breast cancer at the age of 30. (Stage 4 is fatal, but you are never fully cured of breast cancer.)
I had 8 chemotherapy treatments, one that is so painful it makes you unable to walk.
I had 35 radiation therapy treatments; I was supposed to be burned by the 3rd week, I was burned by the 3rd day.
The doctors said I had a one in one hundred percent chance of having the cancer, and yet instead of the lumpectomy, it was a mastectomy, and then they thought I would die and never have kids. I haven't had kids yet, but I am obviously still here.
I lost all my hair.
My hair grew back thick, curly, and soft, which rocks!
I got a radical mastectomy on the right breast.
I need to get reconstruction and another mastectomy.
I turned 32.
I am alive!
I have a new job at Verizon Wireless again. (They realized the error in their ways and rehired me.)

Life is crazy. My life has been crazy. I never know what is around the corner.
In the past two months, I've had two surgery/procedures: a colonoscopy and a laporoscopy. I don't have cancer in those areas. My Grandma England died on the 22nd of March of cancer. It was too sudden. My mom had been over there since the 2nd of February, and grandma had been doing okay. She wasn't eating much, but she and my mom went out to the shops and other places. My dad left on the 14th of March to be with her. I am at their house, babysitting my brother, the house, and the dogs.
I've been at their house quite a bit this last year. They have been my caretakers.

I know it's not my fault that I even got cancer, but I have so much guilt due to the fact that I had it and changed everyone's lives. (My darling mother-in-law isn't helping me, either.)

Anyhow, will write later. Little brother wants to get on the computer.

P.S. Devon, if you read this, will you email me your password to twstdpretty? I forgot it, or never had it. I had devonsdream, but I'm not sure about the other one.

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