messages to siann:
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from wilberteets :
Hey girl... where are you hiding these days? Long time no hear. :-)
from wilberteets :
Aren't you glad it's the weekend? Look out for those crazy drivers. Apparently they are all over the place.
from grim-reviews :
Hi, we're grim reviews. A new diaryland review site. Interested in getting a review? Drop on by. We'd love to have you...
from superhick :
Hey, holler at me the next time we're both online-- I need to ask you a question. I may perhaps just be paranoid. Who knows. But it's not bad, I'm promise. :]
from superhick :
Wow, The Cooker's closed? I would laugh, but that's been your job for so long. It's so unprofessional to shut down like that, and even though I had my differences with that place (they stole my BELT!), they still had some of the best food around. My cousin works at P.F. Chang's and makes BANK. :]
from superhick :
I hope something happens to make you feel that life is worth living for. I'm sorry that people can be so insensitive, and I'm sorry for your pain. If I could give you a clear day, then I most certainly would bear your burden for you.
from glennev :
Don't get so excited about getting that valentine's day card from Andrew. He's not being sweet, he's being himself. He send the same card to every girl he knows. He's just horny and wants to get into everyone's pants, par usual. Sorry to burst your bubble.
from wilberteets :
Hi there! I just found your comment. Thanks for that nice note. I am glad you like the ole diary. I think it's great that you are in massage therapy school. Do you plan to find a job at someone's salon, or open your own? I'm really considering this myself. I can't get started till April, so I have a little time to decide. What led you to this course of study? I like your layout. I'll be checking out your diary now. :-)
from superhick :
A lot of people in my family have either eczema or psoriasis, and my father's condition is the worst of them all. He apologizes to me often in case I develop it, if only just because of the amount of money you have to spend on products to keep it at bay (and peanut oil stinks, oh God). Maybe it's just because I'm used to it, but I never questioned it being weird or noticed people staring... but for what it's worth, I say it's okay and screw those that put others in self-doubt just because they might look a little different.
from ladybugthe2 :
have you been in a marathon before
from themoonbeam :
Hey, my girlfriend's name is Amanda.
from rdara :
Hi girly, I didnt notice that you had finally updated until today. Must say, lots of stuff is going on. Tell me what's up with this move and why you lost the living arrangements you made. Love ya...
from rdara :
BOOOOGIE BOOOOOGIE BOOO! LOL actually i typed boooooobie at one point. thought you'd like to know that since you dont have any anymore. Well you do, but you had most of them cut off a year ago. =P so umm.....update your blog or something cause uhh....the strike never happened and im tired of reading it everyday. =P tell everyone about your move to Cali. *HUGS*
from uniqueone :
hey! where are you moving to? I emailed you the other day...but maybe I sent it to the wrong email?

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