messages to aidan12405:
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from starlight42 :
Awwww!!! He is soooo cute!!
from mymemry :
Hey Jen! I tried to sign the guestbook, but there are 'technical' difficulties. I have been out of town for a week and am behind on reading, but wanted to come check out Aidan's site. He is just as cute as a button. I can't wait to meet yall in person. Maybe we can get together the week after Thanksgiving? I would LOVE for you and Aidan to come here for a visit! Or I can come there, or we could meet in the middle! James took on a temp position in New Orleans and is out of town 2 weeks on and one week off till the end of the year, at least. Let me know if the week after Thanksgiving looks good to you. Julie
from aidan12405 :
Welcome to Aidan's website! Feel free to leave him a note or sign his guestbook!

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