messages to and-i-said:
(click here to add new message):

from moonsocket :
hey! are you still writing. anywhere? are you still photographing? share? please!
from frisky69 :
Hey! I just wanted to know if you could read my diary and let me know if it's any good. Thank you kellz
from dinosaurorgy :
Ever get the feeling that everything's eventual?
from and-i-said :
i'd really rather not -- sorry.
from moonsocket :
take yr camera out of the box. take a photograph. and post it. please. and thank you. ♥
from soft-fairy :
why is love quoted negatively most of the time? It has its reasons you know. Wish u luck
from moonsocket :
take a photograph and show it to me. please.
from and-i-said :
cut an x into my wrist.
from moonsocket :
ok i can't stand it any longer....what'd you do? ♥
from and-i-said :
of course i remember you! how are you?
from make-me-feel :
rach, remember me? if you need someone to talk to, i'm still here.
from soft-fairy :
Garh, talk about the last entry you made, totally true. Mwah!
from moonsocket :
!!!yadhtrib yppah ruoy rof .ko ?ko .krahssvraeb emos ot netsil dluohs uoy dna !!!YADHTRIB YPPAH
from daisybell :
loved your diary xxx
from ca467-hi :
I haven't read all of your entries, but the last few are sad, but I've been going through like a depression also.
from and-i-said :
yeah sure! you don't have to ask.
from jennlidster :
i just wanted to say that i love your diary page. i am new on this site but i am checking out everyone's writing and such. can i put you on my favorites list?----jenn <3
from obviousness :
i love your writing. I have recently been feeling the same way, lost and very very confused.
from moonsocket :
that would be fantastic. you have a way with photographs. i know. i've been taking them for a long time now. i should write more. i think i'll work on that.
from and-i-said :
i might get a new camera for my birthday so hopefully i will. i miss taking pictures.
from moonsocket :
you should start taking photographs again.
from and-i-said :
aw hi :)
from argos67 :
just wanted to stop by and say hi :)
from asthenia-- :
i wish i could provide some of that warmth that you crave. some of the attention that no one will take the time to give. i can't offer much, all i can offer are words.. I know how it feels to be just like another silly clich� teenager from just another silly movie.. but I promise you things will be okay. As repetitive and meaningless as that sentence sounds.. it�s true.. I promise. Don�t be afraid to ask someone for help, they won�t know you need it unless you ask.. don�t worry lovely, soon enough.. everything will be okay. <3

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