messages to andrewhobbs:
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from megsicle :
I COMPLETELY agree with you about the lovely Mr. King. You're right about George R R Martin as well. A Game of Thrones is a book that consumes you, rather than the other way 'round. LUUUVE it. :)
from sparrowline :
from proudnerd :
Hey, glad to see you are reading Lovely Bones. I read that today and thought it was beautiful...
from xsalingerx :
thank you for your kind words...
from xsalingerx :
you are right on about everything...thanks for the good literature...xsalingerx
from okielion08 :
hey, I saw a think at the top of the page & I decided 2 take a look.NICE!!! I like the pledge at the bottom & the quote by Kennedy. what IS wrong with Saying UNDER GOD??no wait,lets say under alah(or who ever)U say It sister! Christie
from okielion08 :
hey, I saw a think at the top of the page & I decided 2 take a look.NICE!!! I like the pledge at the bottom & the quote by Kennedy. what IS wrong with Saying UNDER GOD??no wait,lets say under alah(or who ever)U say It sister! Christie
from meljoey :
I'm so stupid. I tried to add a message to you earlier but it went into my own diary! Stupid. Anyway, this is what I said. (Loses something in its redundancy, I must say) Tattoo -- schmattoo. If you're going to take the plunge, make it Calvin and Hobbes. I'd be so disappointed if you didn't. What better way to go six feet under than wearing a Calvin and Hobbes tattoo?!! mel
from alanateo :
i like what you are sayin.. lest for now... take care.. God loves you.
from journeys :
When does lust turns to love? Or at least something else? I know that I think lust turns to 'something else' when you realize what a cool and wonderful person someone is inside. You begin to find their inner self more beautiful than their outer self and sooner than later your just hopelessly reeled in. For better or for worse. Sometimes they just have you at hello, and sometimes, your the one that had someone else at hello. Love is tricky that way, and it always gets you, doesn't it? The only other thing that I can say here, is that while the plans we made so optimisticly back then may not be how things turned out, they certainly have turned out okay, and wonderful. Back then we didn't see the world as how it was and it was a lot easier to dream that when we grew up life would be perfect and happy. These days I am just glad that through all the crappy things that have came to be, I can still believe in love at first sight, and romance, and soulmates, and it feels good to know that while things haven't turned out at ALL like I wanted, they have turned out to just what I needed. --Wade
from journeys :
Hey you. Sometimes I don't know how to deal with things. Matters of the heart and I don't get along very well. To much pain over the years I guess. The very idea that someone gets to me like this, and that they know that they do was a lot for me to grasp. The cool thing is, I don't think this is going to be a bad thing. This person isn't as immature or as much of a jackass as the last few. You didn't do anything wrong. I did. Your my bestfriend, and you do that perfectly.
from journeys :
Hey. Just a note about sharing your life with those you love and cherish. It has come to my attention as of late, that if we don't have anyone to share our lives, thoughts, fears, and secrets with, rather it be a loved one, or a friend, then we are truly missing out on something. Just my opnion, but Loving people and losing people are facts of life, it's not easy but loving and losing is better than never loving at all... Wow I sounded all intellgent. hehe. --Wade
from writerboy82 :
hey andrew...thanks for signing my g/b and for your kind words.. i'd like to comment on your latest entry about the peace rallies in canada...i'm not sure what you read about them but it sounds like your source didn't explain what they were...these were vigils and memorials to express that we can all (within our country) live in quote the chief justice of ontario "we are here to recognize that all of our religions focus on the crucial and vital importance of tolereance and peace, and are committed to strengthening the fundamental values that are necessary to eliminate evil in our world"...they were not rallies to demand a peaceful solution to the events of sept. 11...there have been several incidents of intolerance and hatred perpetrated on canadians since the 11th and it's this kind of behaviour that was being addressed.. so no need to be peeved. k? :)
from theorygirl :
The Dr. Pepper & Cheerios diet works wonders. Just look at me, I used to weigh 300 lbs. Um, ok not really, but I did lose 16 lbs. Now I have another bit of advice since you like my diet plan so well. BE NICE!! Stop stealing my wallet. Or I'll tell you about the time we went on a trip in band and we did all kinds of cool stuff and it was fun...and you weren't there...and this guy got in trouble for doing something bad and some girl fell of the steps of the bus.... Or maybe the time we went to Philadelphia and New York and we rode the subway....
from andrewhobbs :
thanks for signing my notebook. that makes you practically a saint, unless you said something mean spirited then, well I guess you're going to burn in the firey pits of hades, have fun!

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