messages to bchaos:
(click here to add new message):

from maoer :
Bon voyage, to a brave new world!! I'll miss your words on here, but knowing you're read by many more people is gratifying. Email me your twitter id, I still want to follow.
from lovestruck-0 :
Congrats on the newest addition to your family! I check in your page every so often, I really enjoy your witty humor and storytelling skills :)
from justjones :
Oh be careful, we'll wind up moving in. It's HOT!!!! :(
from justjones :
Oh how I love Vasquez Rocks! They bring back so many memories for me. We need to go hiking there soon, before it gets too hot out.
from justjones :
you need to come over and do madlibs soon...
from maoer :
good writing, keep it up...
from justjones :
I'm in a cryptic, respond-with-lyrics mood today, so: 'Everybody here's got a story to tell, everybody's been through their own hell. There's nothing too special about getting hurt, getting over it - that takes the work..' ~Glen Phillips
from justjones :
Um...haven't you been saying "adios" far longer than Militaryboy? Hable a la manos.
from justjones :
Jesus just occured to me that your mom is only 4 years older than me. And is younger than Jim. I have to go shoot myself now.
from elliestuff :
Hey, that might make a really good John Cusack (which I can't spell at the moment I'm sure) movie you mentioned about that song..the guy in the rain and all.

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