messages to becomingmoms:
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from manfromvenus :
Glad you're back. Don't give up, now... or perhaps do, and focus on other aspects of your life. You know what they say: a watched pot never boils. Good luck, and lots of love! MFV.
from mrbilly :
Hi, it's outwalking. Diaryland won't e-mail me my password so I now have a new username (rolls eyes). Sorry. :/
from starkitten01 :
I locked up.. username; private psswd; journal
from rose-phoenix :
i try not to take my son for granted, reading your diary reminds me of how blessed i am. yours is also one of the few good diaries here on d-land, actually popped in on your a while back. thanks so much for reaching out. love m. rose
from manfromvenus :
Hello again. Don't know that my advice counts for much, but: I wouldn't want to be rushed into choosing something that I wasn't 100% happy with. Not on an undertaking this significant. If necessary, there will be other clinics, other donors... other cities. Don't let yourself get railroaded into something you don't both want. Believe it or not, time is on your side! (I'm 38... time is not on my side.) Relax and _enjoy_ the experience. The customer is always right :)
from manfromvenus :
Hiya! Still here... still reading. I'm sorry to hear that conception might be a little more difficult for you than for most folks. But relax and let things find their own level. Might surprise you? "Covered in ladybugs" - if you recognise the quote.
from outwalking :
Hi, it's "dannyzuko", this is now my new username. =)
from stepfordtart :
Hello! Just thought I'd stop by and say I wish you every success in your parenthood quest. Being a mum is Da Bomb! s x
from manfromvenus :
Hey there! I turn my back for a few days, and suddenly you've started your diary in earnest! I had a lot of reading to catch up on. Do you know, I hadn't realised just how much hassle the whole sperm bank thing could be. Wishing you all the best... just... don't let them make the whole process too clinical, OK? It should be a happy time, not a time to be treated as a "case"... which is all too common when you encounter the medical profession. Anyway, I'll keep on reading... it's a real education.
from manfromvenus :
Hello! Thanks for the note. I'm dreading getting into this, because I think the logical ultimate subdivision sees us all living in a tribe of *one*. But here goes... there's a good deal of difference between the drag queen and the transvestite. It's transvestites who disappear (from the social scene, at least). It's not transsexuals, for example: their needs seem to be very different, more fundamental. And drag queens (strictly speaking, gay men who cross-dress to attract a different kind of gay man, I'm told) are a different set again. Not that I mind being considered in the same sentence; we trannies have all sheltered within the gay comminty at one time or another.
from manfromvenus :
I see you're logged in again. How's that journey to parenthood working out? Apart from the big test message, we don't have a whole lot of info just yet... But wishing you all the best, just the same!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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