messages to blewyouakiss:
(click here to add new message):

from tothesimple2 :
hello stefanie, this is brooke paris. remember me? well, i have major depressive order too, and i know exactly what youre going through. i just wanted to let you know that i remember what triggered some of MY episodes in the past. maybe youll understand people a little better now, and attempt to be nicer to them now that you know what they could be going through. i can only hope this allows you to be more empathetic.
from whydestiney :
I know i never tell you this and i know i haven't at all this summer. You ARE still my bestfreind, and I am sorry that i haven't been there when you have needed me most. We both know that is never what are freindship has been about. So trust me when i say i am ALWAYS here and I LOVE YOU.
from cisum :
I love your name! Blewyouakiss. That's so cool. :) And I love the layout. Red is awesome. Keep up the great writing!
from puddge :
I just wanted to leave you a little note to say hi. p.s. I like the picture on your diary
from lifelessnumb :
Why did you lose your license?
from abendbrot :
Stephanie, I love this layout...Amelie rocks! I wanted to thank you for signing my guestbook, too, and I just found out about it, cause it went to someone else's guestbook instead! Glad I found out, huh?
from silverluna :
on behalf of all the christians that do you like that, im sorry. i am a christian too, but im not the kind that tries to shove the Bible down one's throat. i just tell it like it is and see if the person understands...i hope you will find what you are looking for in life, and if you have questions about christianity, fell free to come to me, ok? :) Silverluna
from yourusername :
hey there, cool diary! Thought i'd tell you your ring-link isn't workin, maybe you know that, maybe you don't. LATER
from greatwave :
Wow my typos are quite embarrassing... their and beaten.. I feel better now.
from greatwave :
ack I don't know what I just did. I understand always getting beated by bible thumpers.. it's insane.. my neighbor comes to my door inviting me to her church for some dinner.. I decline ("I THINK I have to babysit? I'm not sure what time, I'm sorry. I'd love to!") So then she gets onto religion of course, telling me her story then asks mine.. "What religion are you?" she asks.. "Oh, I'm atheist".. "ooooh.. you aaare?" eyes wide... then she goes on to tell me about there ALPHA program (in otherwords, "We're going to try and convert you" program) Great.. no thanks. I know who I am, stop being so insecure about who you are that you have to try and make everyone join you to feel better about following the brainwashing cycle. I think I'm done here. I rambled too much, sorry! But I understand.
from greatwave :
from redivivus :
Completly agree with your statment, Christians should not be extreme. Lets kill the saxons and be done with it.
from gallows :
That's funny, because I've always admired most Christians' general resolve as activists, but found them absolutely nauseating as people. Anyways, I like your diary. S'good.
from abendbrot :
So far, I like your diary (came through a banner)...and yeah, i understand about the religious activists--some are okay, some are strange, and some are totally out there. I went to wooster and we had our share of bible thumpers (from the community) come and preach at the students outside of the student center. And some Hare Krishnas, but at least they were nice and well, didn't call the college students "fornicators!!!" as did "Brother John" and I think "Sister Mary"...and yes, live in a dorm. Good luck on weselyn! That's a good school to be at (and i'm plugging Wooster now: Great school, even if it's presbyterian and you're catholic--which is what I am anyway ;)
from scanzilla :
Hello! Just came to your diary through your banner. I liked your entry about Christians. Being a non believer myself, I deal with people like them all the time, telling me I should have blind faith and blah blah blah. I think you would enjoy the entry I wrote this morning. Take care.
from raven72d :
I seem to attract religious activists, too... It can always spoil a morning... I'd rather just stay home and read... (And how *did* you sprain your wrist?)
from dcalien :
Interesting thoughts. I read a couple of your entries, and enjoyed them. Hope you find a new book store. Drop by and say hey sometime. Happy holidays.
from faded-jeans :
hey..thanks for signing! i hope youre not being sarcastic, are you? oh well...write me back sometime and we can talk =) hope college is going well for you.
from fibrogirl :
wow - great diary! Your latest entry was, of course, the first I read and I was laughing, then seriously contemplating, then laughing again. By the way, I love Ancient Egypt. :) -K
from paolos :
What an interesting opening sentence
from whydestiney :
i know your lonely but i love you, if it means anything!
from iconfess122 :
the header above reads "it rhymes with 'spleen'"- isnt that great? anyway, it means alot that you read that whole damn entry and understood it. debate is a crazy thing. things have been worked out for now... profusive apologies and what not. as a sidenote: get a jetta! i would get a black one if i were you. congrats on your pursuasiveness with your dad. i also think you should live in the dorm. if it was anyone else i'd say no, but im sure that money is not an issue. it would give the college experience. well, gotta write a paper. lata tasha
from kriegus :
You're pretty frickin amazing yourself girl. Rock on.
from kriegus :
I know exactly what you're feeling. Us almost kicked out girls should stick together!
from iconfess122 :
hey, im too lazy to go to hotmail and write e-mail right now, so im leaving a note. plus, i think it's way more fun to get notes. anyway, send me your address and all of your other school info. i got this stationary i love, so i'm going to write everyone. plus, thats another thing thats more fun than e-mail... real mail. i hope to hang out with you before you go to miami, but in the event that i dont, have fun, keep in touch, and look for nice people... they are there, i swear. i work with a nice miami kid... meet him. lata tasha
from blue-candy-b :
Thank you for joining the stargazers diaryring :-)
from readysetgo :
thats amazing, i could pee myself because of this exciting news! hahah, we'll have to do something this summer before you all head off to college. xo
from readysetgo :
dear stefanie- another speeding ticket after the PIEBALD concert. goodness. i talked to you there but i havnt seen you in ages. we will dance again someday. take care. sincerly courtney

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