messages to bloodnfire:
(click here to add new message):

from patheticness :
Hi, I'm searching for new readers and some old friends. Only have one reader since I've password locked and it shouldn't matter but I'm lonely here and looking for words of wisdom from others who may feel same ways as I do. Your profile caught my attention. If you are interested in reading me, let me know, give me your email in my notes or something and I can email the password to you. Thanks! I may just lurk at your diary on occasion if ok with you?
from phoenixfyre :
*scratches head in confusion* So, I take it that a failure to maintain Gold status leads to an inability to keep us posted on the wonderful world of Kimber?
from ilvejordan :
hey i happen to like your diary! and your lyrics!thought id tell you, sometimes i feel the same way you do!
from oddone :
Century Busniess Service... it's me... :-) That's where our proxy server is.
from phoenixfyre :
**hugs and kisses** miss ya, babes!!
from jenne1017 :
from lovesxena :
so, I am reading your diary today and I can almost picture everything you have been going thru - been there somewhat. It's quite interesting! ;)
from funky-horror :
from phoenixfyre :
Update! Update!! Update!!! Update!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where've you been???
from gbg :
Welcome to the Five by Five diaryring!
from witchmedic :
Ohhhhh... I get to be the first to sign :) Thanks a bunch for reading me and adding me to your faves. I like your design - very cool. Just took me a bit to find your diary links on it.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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