messages to caughtpurity:
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from boxx9000 :
I like the colors in your diary template....the brown and turquoise is a pretty combination.
from minstrelite :
I really liked what you wrote: "I think I'm getting to some kind of maturity here. Instead of getting angry and wanting to lash out, I'm dealing with it as I can. And I think that's a step. Something I wasn't doing before. Just freaking doesn't help. Working through it does. And somehow, everything is so much easier to deal with, knowing that." I think that is very true. I've had problems with expressions of frustration over situations that don't seem to improve or that crop up out of the blue to wreck up my whole trip, and I've also noticed that if I pause and don't act out of anger or frustration, I gain from it somehow, and my faith is increased. Thanks for saying that.
from minstrelite :
Well, thank you back again -- I think that it's because I can identify with the feeling of wanting to document a personal experience and barely finding words worthy of its expression. At those times, we convey a lot more than we think we do. Also, although I am only a nominal Episcopalian, I relate to the feeling of Holy Week, and the reverence of the liturgy in general, from years of finding my spiritual sustenance in the Anglican Church.
from minstrelite :
That didn't sound "silly and flighty" at all. Before you ever said that, I was thinking that you were saying some incredibly profound things. I had to stop and read it twice, after deciding it was something God wanted me to see. Thank you.
from emotionalist :
lately, i can't believe there's anything to envy.
from minstrelite :
Got your note, and yes -- that's what I was trying to say. I think the key is in developing discernment -- some are just playing a game, trying to get a higher score, trying to impress, trying get a better grade, trying to pass themselves off as someone who's somebody, trying to obtain clout, trying to walk in the back door, basically, and avoid getting carded or bounced at the front door. Others have integrity, and simply speak their truth.
from minstrelite :
I'm running ragged today, but one more note before I let you be for a while. I've been called an elitist myself -- but only by one person in my entire life. It did get me to thinking, though. There are those who have too much to prove. They name-drop all kinds of writers, have a few quotes memorized, and might even have a half-baked philosophy that will intimidate you until you realize they have nothing to show for it. I think we all encounter these sorts, and if we allow them to make us feel inferior, however momentarily, we are only playing into their hands. On the other hand, there are people who are imbued with influences from all kinds of great writing, and names and phrases that have inspired them will flow freely from their mouths, in the hope that the listener will also be inspired. Their manner of approach might lack sophistication at times, but they are definitely harmless. It's a good thing to develop a discernment to distinguish between the two. My two cents, gotta run.
from minstrelite :
"One of the hardest obstacles in creating something is getting over everything. Anything and nothing can get in the way when a person sits down to create something." Very well-put.
from minstrelite :
Thanks for your nice note, and the well wishes.
from sunnyrain828 :
"And a fond hurrah"--I like this entry quite a bit. It's clear enough for me to form assumptions of my own, but just vague enough to keep me curious and interested. :)
from madhurima :
[email protected] thanks
from madhurima :
it will be really nice of you if u can design it for me...i ma pretty bad at these things... dreams could be a nice theme
from hindthesmile :
Thank you. I guess it must.
from hindthesmile :
from madhurima :
its very weird how we tend to bring order in madness but i guess thats what living is about... i found that method in your madness the elsusive hope and the will to go on
from bluperspex :
a merry, merry to you - may it be blessed and utterly fabulous!
from bluperspex :
and you can smile. and it will cause ripples. like voices lost in spaces it'll go round round. and it will always be there
from missy-17 :
hey, i liked your diary, i thought it was well organized, and cool!!
from sunnyrain828 :
Hi there. I tried to sign your guestbook, but it didn't seem to work, so here I am in the notes again. :) Are you okay, hon? You seem kind of sad and lost. Would you like me to pray for you for anything? Love in Christ, Stephanie
from sunnyrain828 :
Do you write poetry? The way you write reminds me of poetry. Stephanie
from bluperspex :
i don't think i'm ever going to move beyong little girl status... it's comforting. but scary too.
from sunnyrain828 :
Hey Stephanie! It's Seinahpet210, aka Stephanie. :) I told you I'd leave you a note, but honestly I can't think what to say. What do you write about? The language you use is so different than any other diaries I've read! Talk to you later, Steph
from bluperspex :
mmm... and sometimes... that hole gets bigger. and sometimes you get the feeling it'll never go away...
from bexx :
iron and wine -BeXx
from itineration :
i beat my friend's younger sister in a game of chess today. afterwards i pumped my arms victoriously in the air and fell asleep on her bed.

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