messages to chakoru:
(click here to add new message):

from reikihealing :
Hi, I've just started this website for a Reiki healing group I know personally, but the site it welcome to all who practice or are interested in Reiki. Based on you being a member on the Reiki diaryring, I thought you would be interested. I only just set up the site, so there isn't much to see yet, but a newsletter, symbol pictures and descriptions, and such are all soon to come. The site will be public, anyone will be able to post to it with their experences, advice, questions, pictures, and bio-pages for members. Leave me a note if you're interested or to decline this invitation. ~Phoenix
from rhythmatic :
wow, i'm quite the thrice lady on the notage. funny you should leave me a note cuz as i was writin i hear a little hint and nudge in your memory or more lke it was a stream passing your way...
from rhythmatic :
from rhythmatic :
ohshit oh shit ! i know of that creepy junkie you speak of! i know where we can geet heem! he will make amends, even if he has to lick it offf.
from rhythmatic :
hand me over the email again, wench! i mean, princess kittycore of the old ladies' coats, can i have your email address?
from gypsydrea :
lovely diary, dear
from rhythmatic :
woowww i was the last person to use your notes, but i find them comforting for some reason. darlinG! you amAZE mE! i can't wait to learn with/from/between you. hm. rethink that last word...giggle, i'm away! *ru-dough
from rhythmatic :
hey hey meg meg dus ru-dough, what was that art-mail-groupy thing you are a part of? how do i get my arse in gear cuz i wanna! break some rules~
from tripeyes :
Dear fellow Neruda fan, We are in the process of making the first ever documentary on Pablo Neruda in English, narrated by Isabel Allende. In this limited space I cannot explain the whole project but I hope you will visit our website, This is an independent production and we are $35,000 short of being able to go down to Chile and shoot. Any donation you could make, be it $25 or $25,000, is vital. And tax-deductible. Please visit the site. Gracias. Paz, Mark Eisner
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from redhorse :
i like the doodleedoo...
from mad-marquise :
happy turkey day to you miss. thanks for the recommendations you've passed along. I'm looking forward to seeking out work by these artists. loove to you!
from mad-marquise :
mme.chakoru -- bless you, fine creature! of course, my definitions of abstract and modern art could use some refining. generalisms/misnomers are so easy to spout off when one gets stuck on a bitch tangent. I'd be interested to learn of some artists/works which you might recommend as being more positive examples of the modern style... much love to you my dear .. !
from hemlock :
i'm popping your notes cherry. mmmm, cherries.... mee loves chakoru. color my socks rocked.

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