messages to cherryintact:
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from pitboos :
Hi, Just wanted to comment on you entry from May 7th, about Freddy Fratz. I frequent that restaurant often, at least twice a week, and have never gotten sick. In fact, I commented to the waitress how good the coleslaw was. She said that they have to make coleslaw daily because they always run out. So, I doubt that you got food poisoning from Freddy Fratz. Did you ever think it might have been the flu, which I had myself at the end of April.
from sillybeautie :
your welcome and thanks for adding me in your profile..
from sillybeautie :
im really sorry about your uncle it really shows you really love him a lot
from senecca :
what is wrong with you anymore Mandy? this is so not like you
from dr-evil45 :
Got guy problems? Go to and let us know about them! Then pass this site on to all your friends, and heck, even link us! Spread the word! Thanks!
from allykitty5 :
Thanks for joining the John Stevens diaryring! :)
from homo-bible :
I just wanted to tell yah that your diary rocks, I would love if you came to check out mine!
from senecca :
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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