messages to chucktheyak:
(click here to add new message):

from candoor :
happy new year :)
from cncrtangel :
hmmm....i like your journal.
from thecr33ch :
MUha ha ha, I found it. Didn't ever think that i would eh. Well you were wrong. MU HA HA HA h..(Coughing hard) sorry, i was laughing a little to hard there
from sandydahling :
Love, love, love your writing style. I hope things are going well. (Caught the Onion reference: "Been a long time since I rapped at ya.")
from candoor :
keep blipping...
from hotvagina :
Yeah i did for a little while among other places. But as far as my current job goes we have to be tested everytime before a scene and every thing is clean and sterile so i am not worried about that. It is very professional. Was your stage name Rhonda or Erika??? if you want to can directly email me through my contact if you don't want to reveal it
from hotvagina :
Sorry i forgot to set up my profile Chuck. Like i said. I think i know you. Sorry about my name.
from hotvagina :
Hi chuck... i use to dance with you i think. please leave a message at my site
from candoor :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from candoor :
I don't know all of the voices in my head, Phillip may well be one, but not one I've been known to know to the best of my knowledge... your voice is pleasant to my eyes and in time I may realize why or not for there is more I do not know then I've forgot ten, therein may be found the trouble with the bubble I created in college... perhaps it is time to consult Professor Dr. Hugo P. Hackenbush (not to be confused with Dr. Hackenbush and her Orchestra).
from candoor :
your banner said come to me... your entry said I love you... it's all in the words...
from reefers :
i love your diary! keep up the entries *kisses* ^.^
from rysk :
yes, in fact, i have. but, i know virtually nothing about the college. one of my "good friends" (i dont know where thats at right now) is from there... and her mom... and well, pretty much her entire family.
from becksaidyes :
A joke for you, from a popsicle: What animal should you never play cards with? A Cheetah!! Har, har?
from mmeanaya :
*giggle* silly chicken joke...i liked it...
from becksaidyes :
Can I hear a joke from you?
from oldpenguin :
Nice banner, nice diary. General yumminess. Oh... now I've got myself thinking about turkey again! I like your username. It makes me chuckle for some reason. Well, hope this diary thing goes well for you! OP
from lostinmylove :
Hi, I clicked on your banner... I like the way you write. Hope you don't mind if I come back!
from cutiepie1983 :
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ~Nancy~
from rysk :
i would have to disagree with the note you left me. i read many diaries, all of which i like. and i wrote an entry almost, i guess you could say, in response to my note on your "notes." i realize that everyone has issues and, if you read my diary as well, i am not some emotionless, shallow person. i promise that much. and i will read the entry you posted.
from rysk :
hmm... you sounder, er... like a person who is constantly victimizing his/herself. thats about all i have to say.
from tear-fucked :
{{[must-resist-urge-to-steal-and-rewrite-that-admission-essay]}}fuckin....GREAT!you..are damn kick-ass,wow.
from muxxie :
thanks for saying that I can somewhat spell...I really doubt that, but hey I will take any compliment I can get. If you got a minute please let me know what part of the industry you used to work in. Any chance you need to hire anyone?

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