messages to cyborg0:
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from frenchiegoth :
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your have a very interesting point of view. In fact, you remind me of someone I used to know when I went to Palo Duro HS. Anyway, it is definately a breath of fresh air to not read about Brad Pitt and N'SYNC, or what little Suzie Slut said to her crush at lunch period today...a little intelligence here and there is very refreshing. So I'll be checking in to read more entries if that's okay (I assume it is since you have them posted in public diary on the internet lol). So anyway, take care! Frenchie
from frenchiegoth :
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your have a very interesting point of view. In fact, you remind me of someone I used to know when I went to Palo Duro HS. Anyway, it is definately a breath of fresh air to not read about Brad Pitt and N'SYNC, or what little Suzie Slut said to her crush at lunch period today...a little intelligence here and there is very refreshing. So I'll be checking in to read more entries if that's okay (I assume it is since you have them posted in public diary on the internet lol). So anyway, take care! Frenchie
from therat :
i can do the links thing with gif images and html pretty easily. and i think i can find some cartoons like that, so i'll be doing your design maybe later today or tomorrow. sometime soon. i think.
from therat :
i just need some more specific details about a design you have in mind?
from therat :
yeah okay sure
from bionicgurl :
i'm the one i'm the oooooooooneeeeee! Danzig, oh yes.

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