messages to dotsjots:
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from chaosdaily :
oh yes, you are an angel.... and if you really want adventures at the grocery store, just take poola along......
from poolagirl :
YAY! I am so glad you like your template! Looking forward to more of your writing!
from chaosdaily :
im so glad you are back! (poola told me) i always enjoyed your diary... so i got caught up and i want to say, you are only as old as you feel. for some reason, i dont think of myself as 51 (my kids think thats old), i kind of feel like im early 40ish... so yea, my hands are looking like yours, but thats just the way they are... its how old my head feels that matters. and you have relatives in milwaukee? i live 30 minutes from there.
from poolagirl :
Thanks for coming back! Wanna me to help you with a cool template?
from chaosdaily :
sometimes it is the parents need... but sometimes, its.. you NEED to do this or youll be grounded..... then it is the kids need!
from chaosdaily :
you are so right about change...
from chaosdaily :
oooo someone else in dland just had a road rage thing going on... now if i could only remember who!!
from poolagirl :
Hang in there, dear one. Always remember your magnificence.
from chaosdaily :
welcome back! i was afraid you were gone for good :-( ill re-list you on my profile!! yayay!!
from im2qt2kr :
I've been enjoying your diary. Scripps--One of my favorite places. Gypsy Kings---Love them. I'll definately be back to your diary.
from chaosdaily :
good idea!!!
from im2qt2kr :
Ah yes a fellow traveler of the "Road-of-Life" who well understands it's "Pot Holes". Thank you for your comment. The 'Pot-Holes', I wouldn't wish on worst enemy, but true friends understand, and help us to move on. You, and others d-landers, are a great help in my battle to continue down that road of life, not knowing where it leads. Your name's familiar.....friend of Poolie too???
from chaosdaily :
hehe and the wheatens owner might not understand why you were laughing.... lol
from chaosdaily :
after reading your entry, i understand your note a bit better. thanks, im sure my kids will appreciate it when they get to be my age haha unless i kill them first
from poolagirl :
Ah, yes.......big sisters. They do that special thing to us, don't they? After almost 52 years, my sister and I still snipe. I think it goes with the territory.
from chaosdaily :
i know what you mean, but ive been a bit confused lately lol. i sometimes wonder if i will ever find peace.
from poolagirl :
You are a dear. There is a deep kindness that drives your heart.
from chaosdaily :
when i am going through those bad times, it seems to help me to be able to write all the junk down and get it out of my system. plus on dland, you get all kinds of advice, some good, some bad, but it sure gives you something to think about! and sometimes just writing it down will help sort it out, and i will see a solution to something i hadnt noticed before. good luck
from chaosdaily :
just know, weve all made the same kinds of mistakes. live and learn, i guess.....
from poolagirl :
Oh, you sweet young thing!
from poolagirl :
Queef! OMG! I am dying! Thanks for giving my such great feedback on the V-Farting issue!
from chaosdaily :
hmmm i probably would use those earplugs when my husband was awake. hahhahhaha
from chaosdaily :
i agree with you on the movies. i read the book, the exorcist, and it wasnt really that scary. but the movie gave me nightmares. i saw "the shining" (most of it anyway, some i just couldnt watch) and it totally freaked me. but i finally read the book, it was a much better story. so i dont watch scary movies anymore, i just go out and get the book.
from chaosdaily :
we were on the "mount nebo loop", in utah
from chaosdaily :
i always do what poolagirl says, and i read your diary. i have to say i would agree with you on the best friends thing, i have 2 "best" friends, one satisfies the rowdy me, the other the spiritual me. we wont talk about the male friends..... but i had to laugh at your idea for curing hiccups!!!! keep going!
from spero2 :
you sound like such a happy vibey person. Rock on :)
from cdghost :
cool diary
from poolagirl :
Nice entry, Dottie! I love the circle of energy that shifts from one person to another!

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