messages to dreamtherapy:
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from brainmush :
Happy Mother's Day!! I hope you know that you are a great 'mommy' and that your son has an exponentially greater amount of potential because of that.
from brainmush :
I hope you are well. I enjoy reading your diary when I get the chance and I always hope there is some advice I can give to help you when you're down. At the moment I'm out on the ocean but will return soon, and guess what? I'll have much more time to talk now; I'm finished with my schoolwork so expect more phone calls!
from dreamvista :
Control will be more difficult for this experiment, but I'm glad you reminded me of it. So many factors are involved that it will be impossible to determine any conclusive evidence through any one observation. In the end I seek to find statistical proof backing a high probability rather than solid fact. As far as a possible second experiment one can assume to find varying results once the original findings go public, however that can be factored into the second experiment as well. Don't worry, I plan on employing you to check for errors and verify results - so put on your lab coat and grab a clipboard!
from dreamvista :
I wonder if you'll be expecting this. I really do miss all the opportunities we had to express ourselves through our diaries, knowing that someone who understands us will see it and appreciate it. I hope you'll revive your diary, and maybe get others to as well. :) i miss you
from dreamvista :
angel, try to get ahold of me.. i did read your diary and dont worry about anything, this doesn't affect our friendship at all, but do call me asap.
from brainmush :
hey therr! im just chillin herr in da dirty souf. call me sometime!
from dreamtherapy :
from brainmush :
0 <--- this is a wormhole that transmits my positive vibes to anywhere in the world and at any time that I choose. It took a lot of effort to tear a hole in the fabric space, so I hope you appreciate the effort ;) good luck with the dl
from brainmush :
i found you. mwuhahahaha!

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