messages to extravagaria:
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from sfumato :
oh by the way how about you meet me for diner one of these days.. that's if you're in phoenix of course.
from sfumato :
i'd like to know what's going on with you. how about an update?
from explodingboy :
superdooper (super duper US) - better than super. Refering to your Bourbon,sugar, mint entry - but you are also. No dupery intended.
from sfumato :
A fu Manchu can not be reasoned with, it desires conquest on a more epic scale than a puny island nation, However a mint julep might persuade it otherwise, I�ve never had it either, similar to a mojito?
from explodingboy :
from sfumato :
I would prefer a Fu manchu, It has that understated "I'm going to invade china" appeal to it.
from sfumato :
In retrospect, I suppose it�s for the best that I can�t grow facial hair even though I think I�d be damn sexy with a goatee, and yes I do receive great solace in the fact you can�t either.
from discodave :
Glad you enjoyed it - how's the portrait in the locked attic holding up? Dxx
from discodave :
Um, yeah, so anyway, I still have your birthday in my organiser and thought I might as well wish you a nice one. Happy birthday. Dxx
from explodingboy :
presently, maybe? possibly.

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