messages to flashingreds:
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from opusshrugged :
i stumbled upon your diary via your music survey & was pleased to find such an intelligent, witty read. according to your profile you're musically non-retarded also, what a plus! i'll be adding you to my favorites, if it's not alright feel free to cuss me out & i'll promptly remove you. ~ poppy
from fussbudget :
that peanuts news just made my day, considering my diary name and all...
from snarkymarky :
the pill did right by me for a certain amount of time. one day, after weight gain and decreased sex drive, i knew i was ready to let it go and HELLO ovulation. i felt so amazing and free and ovulating was more fun than i would have ever thought. it's good to have choices and such, but i was pretty happy to be free of the pill. i don't think i'll ever go back.
from maps :
Wow. You actually sound intelligent. You�re totally a rarity out here in the d-land ether. Good job. Oh, and if you�re looking for the true, not so chick-lit but female version of High Fidelity, its called �Goodbye, Johnny Thunders� by Tania Kindersley. Its pre-Bridget Jones, so any similarities are coincidental, at best.
from fussbudget :
Did you see the Long Winters last night too? I adore them. One of my friends was supposed to go to the show last night, but he had "too much homework." Whatever. Rock out on a Sunday!
from indie-snob :
hello there! i just added a review for the most recent New Pornographers album, which features Neko Case as a band member and thought you may be interested. I have lots of other concert and album reviews there too. check it out! thanks! (on my main diary (white-lies), you'll find reviews for Beth Orton and Rhett Miller, too... but this is my new project)
from fussbudget :
It was crazy! She was very sweet though. I just feel like I was trying way too hard to impress her. She's on tour right now, and I really don't remember what she's doing after that (I know the New Pornographers are finishing up their record and getting ready to hit the road.) I wasn't even that dorky when I interviewed Rhett Miller the first time...
from pillow-wept :
a new home x (formerly of starsforarms)
from girljesus :
I am so sorry you saw The Virgin Suicides before reading it - the book is far far superior to the film. Far. Best book I read this year is not the most recent reading undertaken (I'm finishing Atlas Shrugged these days) but was The Bee Season by Myla Goldberg. Outstanding. Happy New Year!
from flashingreds :
And we shall take over the world. Without Rita Wilson.
from snarkymarky :
i came to this notes page to rant about rita wilson, but i noticed the note below. my easy distractibility has left me with no choice other than to abandon rita and respond to the idea that only two people are attracted to the old country/alt country/new indie/belle and sebastian sounds. clearly i'm a third, and i have friends, i tell you what.
from starsforarms :
i think youre the only other person besides me who listens to really great old country, alt-country, and still has the love for things like belle and sebastian and the shins. gorgeous! x

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