messages to forever-saku:
(click here to add new message):

from forever-saku :
No, not now. It can wait.
from raven72d :
Lovely layout and entries.
from sailorcosma :
Play by Play = huh?
from l-vnews :
Please read the latest entry from L-V News and give me your thoughts!
from libri-vita :
:) You're pretty awesome. Use babynames to name the fishy!
from sailorcosma :
Would you mind translating "Conversation" (7/15/08) for me? Also, name your fishy! You can't have a living thing (other than plants) without a name! My beta fishy was named Feathers, because his tail looked more like feathers than fishy-ness.
from sailorcosma :
I love the banana phone!! XD (Referring to 7/9/08)
from sweetmiser :
Sorry. I've been meaning to call, but I've been really busy. When I got home from work on Friday, I found out that, in addition to ovarian cancer, my mom also has lung cancer, which is very serious. The doctors didn't label it terminal, but they didn't really offer any hope, either. And, from what I was hearing, it sounds like the only thing that's going to heal her is a miracle. We're just praying. Yesterday was her birthday, so I went with my dad to see her. I'll call you later today, hopefully.
from sweetmiser :
Sometimes, my dad has the mental equivalent of a four-hour-old antelope. On purpose. Oh! He just farted right beside me! Gross!
from sweetmiser :
Lovable? Aw, thank you! She's pretty bad. She went to the doctor, and they x-rayed her stomach (?!), but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. (Haha, your English accent made me smile!) The change to spell "stomachache," huh? How much does it cost? I think I have a few quarters, if you need them. :) Yes, I read your entry, but I wanted to say "multi-egoed" despite the fact that it isn't really a word. Are you going to give any of those layouts away? I remember spanish's being really pretty. And orange. I like citrus. Yum. Which reminds me -- I put up those layouts on PaperGlass, and fixed *my* layout! It's in the middle like it's supposed to be -- hurrah!
from sweetmiser :
They have pillaged your BRAINS! Oh Noes!
from sweetmiser :
I read the link, too! XDDDDDDDDDDD I love your description of their purpose in life: "To confuse teenage girls." XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Or just really, really freak them out and scar them for life! And not use the layouts they make them.
from sweetmiser :
ARGHGHGH! MY mom is driving me crazy! She's so pitiful and needy when she's sick, and it makes me feel really awkward. Not to mention that I had to drive her to Urgent Care today for a stomach ache... she always thinks she has cancer when she gets a little nick or cramp... OK, sorry. Had to rant someplace. I read your recent entry -- how was knitting? XD I vaguely remember that entry of his, and I wanted to read it again, but that multi-egoed man has locked it. Poo.
from sweetmiser :
Yes! I am alive! I got really confused about my schedule this summer, and thought I was going to be gone for three weeks, but I've just returned from Bonclarken, and will be home for two more weeks. So... yeah. It was really great; I wish you could've been there. The skits were freakishly hilarious, and I tie-dyed some sweatpants, and painted a tile ( I have a little story about that ), and the speakers were great. One of the band members had a little girl recently, and she was born with her intestines and kidneys on the outside of her body, and the story was so sad. But God watched over her, and she made this miraculous recovery, and she is SO cute! And our new youth pastor tricked us into thinking that he was very angry at us, and he sat us all down for a "little discussion," and he started with, "I'm very disappointed in you guys' behavior -- you know who you are. I've given up a lot to come be your youth pastor..." I seriously thought it was going to be AP all over again. But he was like, "But the sad thing is that Thomas has been doing devotions with you all for years, and you can't even show him a little respect." Well, Thomas was in the other room, and Nathan called out, "Hey, Thomas, I think you should come talk to them. What do you have to say?" And we all thought he was going to chew us out, but he pops in with an armful of pastry boxes and yells, "Who wants doughnuts?!" It was SO funny! Ha! :) Well, sorry to have written you a novel.
from sailorcosma :
FAQ in their forums.
from sailorcosma :
I think every five minutes on the dot (:00, :05, :10, etc) there are 3 dragon eggs at the "cave entrance" but you have to be really quick to get them. There are also abandoned eggs that randomly appear at the entrance. They die if the mathematical formula of clicks, views, and unique views isn't fulfilled in a certain number of days.
from sweetmiser :
They're my favorites because I like what's in them! And believe it or not, I take a lot of them off every now an then.
from sweetmiser :
I like this new entry. Too bad I can't FAVORITE IT. :)
from sweetmiser :
Thank you for putting links on your diary!
from sweetmiser :
XD Yeah, it didn't look that long in the little place where you write it! Yes, that very well could be it. I don't think she would purposefully hold a grudge against you -- who could?! But I think she should understand that you weren't trying to be mean, by now. Sorry about lunch! I was feeling really weird and I didn't think I could handle the loud lunch room. Hmm; I think there are a lot of us that act that way, even without knowing. I know that I'm pretty guilty of that, but you know what? You can never please the people of the world, and that may be a hard lesson to learn, but if you don't, you just end up destroying yourself over something that won't matter in the end. In Lauryn's case, as aforementioned, I think it's just because she wasn't very accepted when we were younger, and now that she's good at something, she wants to hear it. *sigh* We all have faults, though. For me, I'm a shopping addict. I know God would love me even if I were naked as the day He made me, but it's not always first instinct to remember that. We just need to encourage one another! :) As for handicapped people -- well, it's true. They're smaller in stature. But they can be so sweet!
from sweetmiser :
Yeah. I'm ready for her to just flat out tell me that she's tired of talking to me. I was sitting in Clay and Ceramics, and I just realized, I dunno how to explain it, that we sort of clash. It's hard to really tell you. It's just, when I'm around her, I can't be better than her at one thing and her not feel like she has to compensate for it. When I got a 96 in Clay, she was only a couple points behind me, but she still got all defensive and said, "Well, I'm in Clay II, and you're just Clay I." And *she* asked *me* what my grade was. It's not like I threw it at her. As for the full-of-yourself thing, I thought that was what you were referring to in your last note? And then the latest one... Do you mean a rift still between you an Lauryn? She's just proud, I think. I don't mean that in mean way, necessarily. I mean that she's improved upon a lot of aspects of her life, and she's happy about that. So, I think she's just a little wounded/embarrassed. I think she'll come around. You're a great friend to have, and anyone who doesn't see that is out of their mind. Well, more so than Tayler and I. XD But, yeah, sometimes I feel like I talk about myself an awful lot. Or that I don't listen enough. I *know* that I don't listen enough. I talk a lot. Like now. But explain away! Just tap me on the shoulder or shake me real hard (but make sure my cap is on tight, lest my brains squirt out of my head in slow-motion) when I'm not being very patient or yielding ( I guess that's the right word). And forgive me for future mistakes! I'm still learning. But I'll always be here if you need anything -- I really will. I mean it. IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou :) Now, spill away!
from sweetmiser :
Yes. Indeed, I am. And that was *one* instance -- don't let it bother you. There have been many times when I have wanted to say the same thing; I admire your hutzpah. At the same time, I wonder if I ever sound full of myself -- you tell me if I ever do, you hear?! Sometimes it's hard to take criticism, but it's best that it comes from someone you know and love, and who loves you too.
from sweetmiser :
Hum... it is working now. I don't know, my computer (wow -- I just spelled that "cumputer") is on the fritz (and I just spelled that "frotz").
from sweetmiser :
Ye is welcome. But, uh, hey... the stuff isn't loading on my computer. Did you take it down or is there something wrong?
from sweetmiser :
'Tis so pretty! I love this new layout. Hey, did you know that if you put a caterpillar in a tree at school, it will have trouble getting off your finger?
from sailorcosma :
You confuzzle me. Lots.
from sailorcosma :
Me likes! Pretty colors. Faith is a very smart girl. Where has all your old entries gone though?
from sweetmiser :
But we like yooouuu. Today was... kind of all right, for me, I guess. How 'bout you? Did Mr. Cross Make up any new words? Blake and I were discussing the option of writing down every nonexistent term he uses, defining each, and binding the entire publication. When you present it to him, you're supposed to say something like, "You gave me so much knowledge this year, and I really want to give it back." God gave me this song. So, is an update in your diary's future? Is my diary in the future of you favorites?
from sailorcosma :
Hey, you updated! I finally archived all my old entries. I never realized how many there were before.
from sweetmiser :
Oh, shush! You have more artistic know-how than most grown writers! Look at my diary, I have none whatsoever.
from sweetmiser :
Oh, hey -- I tried to validate my diary, and it's valid, except for the older entries page, which is Andrew's fault. XP And I don't feel like manually inputting all the links to my other entries. Bleh. Oh, and I made a little FavIcon thing.
from sweetmiser :
Yeah, you're right, they do. I know, I know! But you can't make the jpeg transparent! And the gif puts a weird halo on it.
from sweetmiser :
Oh, yeah, I guess it was kinda cynical. But I was getting bored and searched for a lot of random diaries. They were all incredibly stale. I mean, really just awful diaries -- with terrible grammar and spelling. And I came across this one with a bland entry about a girl whose boyfriend took her to Nicaragua, and she practically listed the experience in steps! Like a recipe!
from sweetmiser :
Whahaha! Yay! I remembered your password. Hmmm, I didn't remember that you had to pierce the other ear yourself! Ouch -- you must've really wanted to wear earrings!
from sailorcosma :
I think this time he's forsaken color all together. There's just a few random splotches of red, and the rest is black and white. And I don't like the stuff being on the right side!!!!
from sailorcosma :
Gaaah! Diaryland is no longer so incredibly behind the times. I still don't like the colors though....
from sailorcosma :
I know! Isn't it exciting?! It's all melting though....
from libri-vita :
Thanks for putting me/us/whatever on your buddylist/fave diaries. (Lots of interchangeable words there.)
from libri-vita :
Check out L-V News! Links are all around, but mostly on the Libri-Vita profile and next to the "About this site" link at the bottom of all Libri-Vita entries.
from libri-vita :
But that wouldn't have been any fun. You have to have some mystery. They are those Gaia cows. I stoled them from Rancher Bill or Bob or whatever his name was and put them in my photobucket.
from libri-vita :
Yeah I know it sounded really creepy, but I didn't know what else to say. The place I got the layout from custom-makes the code for you, so they fill in your links and stuff, and if there weren't any links there it gave you an error message, and the cows were all I could think of to put there.
from libri-vita :
I know you don't know who I am at the moment... but you should go to my diary anyway, because you really do know me. Start with the entry called Introductions. Or just click "About this site" at the bottom of any entry.
from footprince :
I know. I'm sorry; it seems I've been worrying quite a few people, but not being considerate enough to care. I only meant Adrian and my room mate, though. They've been relatively immune to my coming and passing, with good reason. I'm no good. I know it. I've read your email several times, and haven't the will to reply to all of it. I break down every time I read it; it touches me and inflicts me all at once. By the time I'm through, I'm weeping like a child. My heart is shattered completely, and I'm fraying at the ends. I've been left with the custody of a child I can no more take care of than I can take care of myself. I'm not fit to be a father, not fit to be a husband or a Catholic or a friend. Life is hard, and then you die: I just can't grasp it. Everything's slipping through my fingers; I'm growing old, and I have nothing to rely on. I have nothing to come home to at night, or wake up with in the morning. It's all backwards, for me. I need a refuge, but I am beyond all of that. I'm desperately in love with a boy: he's young and inexperienced. And he's chosen righteousness, where I could not. I've already given my heart and soul away, and I have nothing left to give.
from curiouoso :
Thanks for looking at mt diary. I hope you'll come back again. Curiouoso*
from aequus :
It's alive!
from footprince :
Yes, ma'am, you certainly may. [email protected]
from sailorcosma :
I will eventually, promise. Yeah my youth group went to the Mercy Me/Audio Adrenaline concert. :D
from sailorcosma :
I think I could make a darn good three year old if I wanted to. *points down*
from sailorcosma :
w00t! Me beezes mentioned in your diary entrie! (Yes, I'm aware I spelled that wrong, but it looks purty.(purty is pretty, but I think you knew that)) Anyways... that's all. :) Me is CRAZYNESS beyond repair!!
from sailorcosma :
Yeah what she said. *looks down* Thankee much!
from fireplanet :
Thanks for fixing that thing. We were going crazy wondering if it was supposed to go back to black or not.
from sailorcosma :
Oh, ha ha. You might wanna know what I'm talking about. Go to fireplanet's newest entry; She put it on there.
from sailorcosma :
Hi Cherri! I have this thingy: <h1 onmouseover="style.color='red'"</p><p><onmouseout="style.color='black'"></p><p>Mouse over this text</h1></p><p> Me and fireplanet were wondering if it's supposed to go back to black when you take the mouse away or not... do you know?
from sailorcosma :
It was probably grammar. It doesn't really matter; I just thought a few things sounded funny, but I don't even remember what they were. I'm probably the only one who'll notice anyway, since the vast majority of the population think that just because you're on the internet your spelling/grammar can be atrocious and it's ok. Don't worry about it. Besides, there might not be any real mistakes.
from sailorcosma :
Hey Cherri! I know that your last entry (TGIF) is really long and that you were ranting, but would you please proof-read it? ^^; You know how I am about grammar. But like I said it's really long and you definitely don't have to just because I mentioned it, but I know how you are about grammar too. Anywayses... do whatever you want with it. LYLAS!!!
from sailorcosma :
I know exactly what you mean!! It's like walking through some workplace kinda office thing; it all feels so... oh what's the word? It's like unfamiliar but that's not right... Well anyway. But really, walking through school feels like walking through my mom's work: I've seen it a lot, but I don't belong there, it isn't mine. I have no emotional attatchment to it at all.
from sailorcosma :
coolness. You can change your lunch? That's great!
from inuyashafox :
Hey, I am bored and reading random user profiles. :) And you seem pretty cool, so I thought I'd leave you a note. Fox
from twilightaura :
I have been improving on those skills!
from twilightaura :
Ah hah! I have trackethed you downeth. Excuse my corny mood. Well, I just wanted to thank you for taking me up on my request. And remember, make it amazingly original!
from sailorcosma :
Yeah. They're not the worst I've had but I don't really like them that much.
from sailorcosma :
Well I was sending money to World Wildlife and I was about to put it in the envelope and mom said something about it being illegal. I dunno.
from sailorcosma :
Yeah.... actually I think it's illegal to send money through the mail, so at school sounds good.
from sailorcosma :
Um... if I knew when school started I might be able to answer that... I don't even know when band camp is but it's soon.
from sailorcosma :
I didn't hear... I read it in your diary. And she just e-mailed Chelse� this week... not me though. I'll have to e-mail her. So you have the pics for all of us? My mom called and they said they'd given them to someone else in the group... didn't say who though.
from sailorcosma :
Maybe it was supposed to be a surprise and we've gone and ruined it. (refer to last note if you're confused)
from sailorcosma :
Where did you hear it? Did Lauryn tell you? We were just wondering why we didn't know if you did... but why wouldn't she have told us?
from sailorcosma :
Hey! Chelse� and I wanted to know how you found out that Lauryn gets to come to South.
from soittokello :
TMS doesn't have an anything anymore. Just a big building. I think it's funny how in front of the entrance, there's an orange warning sign that says "Road Closed" or something to that effect, but there's not even a road there anymore. Methinks we should snap a picture of that and make a layout out of it. Oh! And Kristi took this picture of a sign near church camp that says, "Matress & Home Furnishings Parking Only." It was rather funny, although, naturally, there's a store called "Matress & Home Furnishings," and apparently, that was the parking lot for it.
from soittokello :
Oooh, oooh, oooh! Pick me, pick me! I just figured out where the "non-conformant as can be" line came from. There's this site called "You Tube," which hosts all kinds of funny little videos, and some serious ones, too, prolly, but who cares about those? Anyways, there's a clip called "Must be Emo," and it is REALLY inappropriate, but hilarious. Funny enough, I watched it at church camp, but it picks on emo kids, and the chorus goes, "I'm an emo kid/non-conforming as can be/you'd be non-conforming too/if you looked just like me." And then it goes on to say "I have paint on my nails/and makeup on my face/I'm almost emo enough/to start shaving my legs" Pretty much, it just downs emos through the entire song, and it talks about how they'r all gay, and they're just one notch below transvestites. Anyways. It was funny.
from sailorcosma :
The summer one? I just didn't like that the pic was under the entry. I really like the seafoam colors in my new one... seafoam good.
from sailorcosma :
Hey! Ur new template is... well honestly I think it's a bit bland, but it's cool. Nice story too. :)
from soittokello :
What did I say about falling? Oh, and, yeah, I plan on keeping Kinden's fatness in my diary; no, project, shall we say. If Chris wants to use my blog as a public banner in tribute to Kinden's tube socks and non-conformant attitude (as well as his own lack of proper grammar and spelling), then who am I to deprive him of his right to freedom of speech? Yes, it's probably slander, and he could be sued for it, but the tabloids do it all the time. Let's just think of it as Kinden's claim to fame.
from sailorcosma :
What did they do to you at camp? You've gotten a bit crazier.
from sailorcosma :
Thanks. I like the new cherri-girl look! very nice, and the older page is funny. I'll see you at school tomorrow!
from sailorcosma :
You'll never guess what I did! Read my new entry! (6/6/06)
from sailorcosma :
we're discovering the fact that because we're a year smarter than all the other 8th graders, we have to study for an extra test while they make ice cream and paper airplanes. Well, the airplanes don't even fly, but still it's the principle of it!!! Argggh!!! It makes me mad!!
from sailorcosma :
This is the last one today I PROMISE. I started to leave you yet another big long note but then I decided to write an entry about it so make sure you read it! :)
from sailorcosma :
Ah!! All of my sentences are going to be misinterpreted (spell check on that please!) cuz I don't have italics in notes! :( waah! I'm gonna stop leaving you crazy notes now! Make sure you go to Dawn's website!!! I've read all 5 of her books!! They're awesome!!!
from sailorcosma :
Wow, sorry that was a very messy note. And sorry it was so long.
from sailorcosma :
Why is everyone unlocking their diaries?? I feel like a sneak or a thief or a cheat or an assassin or something (Sorry, been reading Decoy Princess all day) cuz mines still all secret and protected. But I plan on keeping it that way so.... yeah. don't know if this will actually link but.... I LOVE her books!!!!! (have you seen my Yahoo IM avy lately?? It's the cover from her first book and the first book in the Truth series, First Truth.) I just realized this is going to be a very messy note but, oh well. Byes!
from sailorcosma :
I know exactly what you mean... about all of it.
from sailorcosma :
i actually forgot what I was gonna say so.... bye!
from lilkitty069 :
HEY CHERRY^^....i tried to read ur diary but it wouldnt let me thro><#...THANX FOR DA COMMENT..i really didnt get much of wat i wrote at first cus i was just writin it for fun but i actually get it now^^... lylas ttyl Dodo
from sailorcosma :
yes I know your diary is password protected. That was funny, "The adventures of Mark Sawyer by Tom Twain" poor Austin. I talk to you laters! byes!
from aequus :
imbecicles? Is that like icecicles?
from aequus :
from aequus :
You told me to write an entry, so I did!!!
from spanishmoss :
Thank you soooooo much!!! It's B E A U T I F U L
from spanishmoss :
er...still nothing. sorry for the trouble!!!
from spanishmoss :
er...there seems to be a little complication...I haven't gotten the [email protected]?
from spanishmoss :
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, and gracias!!!
from sailorcosma :
well, it's just I go to leave a not for someone and I'll see something in another that catches my eye and I'll read it. Or sometimes I go read all the notes I've ever left for Jack or Donna and I'll end up reading all the ones another person has left them... and now anyone who happens to read this note will know I belong in an institution! XD anyways... TTYL
from sailorcosma :
no, the random people who see these notes! (and don't say no one does that cuz I do!)
from aequus :
from sailorcosma :
of course you can live in the asylum! (they're gonna think we're crazier than we really are)
from spanishmoss :
Alright, no prob. No, nothing Gothic or anything. ^________^ I was actually thinking Chobbits, but I'll email you and tell you everything! Muchas Gracias!
from sailorcosma :
I think we should trade moms. My mom always asks how and what. I'm doing and I HATE it when she does. I just wish she would leave me alone! i swear if she could she'd watch me 24/7! she'd love to know everything i do on the computer and read all my diary entries; i would never dream of letting her! she always asks why i'm in such a bad mood when i wasn't in a bad mood until she asked me if i was! she always wants to know why everyone's so ill, and it's because she's ill and it makes us ill!!! she does it on my birthdays and last night... it was like, 10 minutes till midnight (which would be 10 mins to Christmas) and she's yelling at me because i carried something in and put it down in the wrong spot or something! at least she didn't have to ask me to carry it in like usual... i just did. ugh! sorry, had to go off rambling there.... but anyways.... Merry Christmas!
from sailorcosma :
i told you i was just kidding!!!
from sailorcosma :
why?? why must you torment me with the smileys?!... just kidding! XD they're neat.
from aequus :
oops, not "crooting" CROTTING!
from aequus :
w00t, you crot! You eejit! You loon! You loco, crooting, looney eejit! hahaha.....
from sailorcosma :
me likes me likes!!!!!! prettiness!!!!
from sailorcosma :
haha, i just now read ur diary! haha... wasn't that star wars thing THE BEST THING EVER!!! i liked it just as much as the real thing!
from sailorcosma :
the test for your science fair project? i don't think I woulda done so well on that... so how is your project coming... better than ours I hope... they won't grow!! only one of them out of the 6 different kinds we made!!! GRRR!!! i think we'll have to start over... and we only have like a month!! *sight* I HATE science fairs.... >:|
from fireplanet :
thanx ever so much!
from sailorcosma :
cherri!!!!!!!! givie me password now!!! hmph....
from aequus :
Why did you wonder about "Jackth"'s layout? Are you planning on making him one or something?!

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