messages to griffonage:
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from argolam :
The guestbook thing is pretty easy, actually. You just go to and they walk you through it. If an imbecile like me managed to do it, it says something. And what's you Messenger of choice? God help you if you say AOL�
from exitfish :
thanks, you're very kind.
from argolam :
Luckily I find more than enough time to balance between listening to music and watching TV. You'd be surprised to know how much spare time a person has when he avoids social interactions. And I just got "Castaways and Cutouts." (I only bought "Her Majesty" a few months ago). I haven't heard enough of Castaways to have a favorite, but I really like "The Gymnast" on "Her Majesty." (Oh, and you should consider getting a guestbook. It's a little friendlier than these notes.)
from argolam :
Music... I just picked up a package from the post office. Two Gossip and one Decemberists Cd's. So, basically, I have my evening all planned out. Pathetic, isn't it?
from argolam :
Now I'm not listening to nothing. But I just ordered some CD's, so I'm playing some songs in my head. Wait�Was this a rhetorical question?
from argolam :
Doogie is a mystery. I remember watching the show years ago with my parents and sister. Every episode my dad would look at me and say "You know, he's about your age and he doesn't watch TV all day. He's a doctor." That's why I loved Vinny for dumbing him down a little.
from argolam :
"I imagine Doogie Howser Md music wafting around my laptop..." - I laughed so hard when I read that, that I almost sprayed my computer with Coke. And then I started hating you, because I just know that I'll be hearing that music every time I write an entry. But it was worth it.

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