messages to happyduck94:
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from omfggwtf :
yeeeeeep i am exactly the same. what would we do without the wonders of the internet? haha. i'd be screwed, fo sho.
from omfggwtf :
the computer is the devil..
from omfggwtf :
i just found you through the recent entries, and hah! are you addicted to tumblr aswell? i think i am.. and to diaryland. it's a horirble cycle, oh god. i should probably lock myself out of both accounts too... sorry for the random note, but i do it to a lot of people ahah. hope you're well! x
from greenteacup :
Omg, haha of course I remember you :D. How's it going? xx
from greenteacup :
Hey! How're you? It's been properly ages. I hope you're alright. xxx
from greenteacup :
Hey Love, how's it going? Glad to see that you're still alright :] xx
from greenteacup :
hahaha, that was great. Very funny. Heheh, I should go and read it again. Thank you!
from greenteacup :
note! ok.... I choose ...E! Which I really hope that will also contain A, because that was just a bit too cool. Heh, take care, Rosie xxx
from prettye :
hey whast up just wanted to say hi and write back talk to u later bye
from greenteacup :
from greenteacup :
Not writing, gasp!
from greenteacup :
hello, hello. I'm just leaving a note to see how the crazy you is getting on.
from greenteacup :
oh wow! You're so lucky, I wish I was there.
from greenteacup :
That was a great entry, I really enjoyed it. Haha.
from greenteacup :
Have a great holiday! Enjoy yourself!!!
from publicsecret :
I vote yes. I must say, you have a very active diary. I like that. Everyday, there's always something interesting about you. ^_^
from publicsecret :
Have a wonderful trip! ^_^
from greenteacup :
Thanks. I adored the Green Day concert. It was so cool.
from publicsecret :
Keep up the great smiling work. And keep smiling! ^_^
from greenteacup :
haha, that's one crazy entry.
from greenteacup :
Aw, wonderful day? what happened?
from greenteacup :
Haha, thanks. The amount of times that Yesl and I have gone over the paper bag thing so many times. Heh. Anyways. She blamed me a while ago for loosing the invitation. So now that's no wedding and no hen night (yeah, you were right). rosie xx
from publicsecret :
from publicsecret :
Hi Lindsey! Lovely diary you have going on here. And yes, there are people who read your diary! :) Here's my favorite smiley: ^_^ Take care now! :D
from greenteacup :
Hi. Thanks for your note. Also thank you for the favourite, much appreciated. I love your smileys, very cute. Have a great day. Rosie xx

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