messages to innerscroll:
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from pinkbowshoe :
wow thats a tough one. I'd say to tell your friend that someone else knows, b/c ultimatly the truth comes out. why not give your friend the heads up and let her decide what she's going to do. That's all you really can do.
from thunderdave :
Yeah, I'm rather disappointed by the poor quality of maple syrup we have here in the states. Perhaps this needs to be a focus of the next trade meeting our countries have. More and better maple syrup for your southern neighbors. Don't know what you folks might want in exchange though. Thoughts?
from pinkbowshoe :
That is a gorgeous picture!
from pinkbowshoe :
Thank you so much for leaving a note! I wasn't sure that anyone read me anymore :( I read through your diary...awesome photos! The quiz got me on soccer b/c I'm a huge fan. I couldn't believe I was all-american, but here I am!! Thanks again, and I look forward to reading more!
from hissandtell :
Hi - thanks for your note. I've read all your entries and really enjoyed them, your pictures (and your photograph of the dishy boyfriend) - so I've bookmarked you so I can come back. Really, I think anyone who is successful, or even popular, in any field just happens to be in the right place at the right time. I love those lines from "Evita": "I was slap in the right place at the perfect time/Filled a gap,I was lucky/But one thing I'll say for me/No-one else can fill it like I can." However, I also rather like the adage, "The harder I work, the luckier I get" - so who can ever, ever explain the whimsies of success or articulate the foibles of fame? Love, R xxx
from argos67 :
thank you for filling out my survey. i liked reading your answers, i rarely leave surveyers notes of appreciation. i enjoy art but have never heard of the artist in your entry. i will look more into her work and what she has done. she sounds very interesting. i'm excited to read more from you in the coming days!

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