messages to leemp:
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from leemp :
My diary's not been working right. Put in the letter a for user name & another letter a for password to view.
from takethemoney :
Nice to hear from you again! I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Take care of yourself.
from takethemoney :
Thank you for the sweet note. It made my day :)
from jakim :
hey it's taken me a while to figure out that you had a message board - but just to say i really enjoy reading your diary, your baby is absolutely sweet and thanks for reading my blog. some day i may run off to philly to hear you play!
from takethemoney :
I loved this entry. I'm interested to see how life will change for us. Please forgive me for having missed this somewhere, but what instrument do you play?
from takethemoney :
Ugh, nice vacation. No family time AND the in-laws coming to stay! Fun times.
from kathrynkaye :
Ahh...white trash road rage plus questionable parenting techniques. What a beautiful way to close the timeless ritual of marriage! I love reading your exploits, I feel as if I am looking into the future a few years. Asian girls, white boys, musician wife (not sure what your hubby huby does), both being dragged to this weird and somewhat awkward city. What do you play?
from takethemoney :
Wow, there sure are some crazy people out there. My dear friend has some uncontrolled road rage. Thank goodness her windows are tinted or I'd never get in her car.
from beautifulwoe :
You have a beautiful family, and share my zeal for the sweetest cat in the world. *hugs*
from takethemoney :
I have to agree - no real resemblance to Lucy Liu. You are very beautiful, though. That may be what she was thinking, "Lucy Liu's a pretty Asian; you're a pretty Asian. Hot Damn! You look just like her!"

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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