messages to lucy3113:
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from eudoria :
Is everything ok? I just tried to read your diary and found it locked. Hope everything is alright.
from kittycateyez :
hum...AARGH...I like that.
from caramelo13 :
Nothing compares to you ;-), good song.
from eudoria :
that joke always makes me smile. its so lame, but still. :) good luck with the whole cali thing. have fun!
from eudoria :
happy random guestbook signing week! pass it on... (details at
from eudoria :
good luck with weight watchers. 50lbs? thats incredible! :)
from fallinstarzz :
my new diary is at now. yea for no more school!
from fallinstarzz :
School is driving me insane!!!! Good luck with trying to keep your sanity through crunch time!
from fallinstarzz :
who sings the song that u put in your last entry? i luv that song and i always forget the name of the band.
from kjizel :
Hmm... nice list. My fave... I'm a hustler baby... A physics hustler? Oh yeah! That's the best kind...
from fallinstarzz :
Good luck on your differential test on Tuesday! Hopefully its not as doom as you think it will be.
from kjizel :
hmmm... is this line differentiable?
from bytwilight : - that's the site I used. It's fairly accurate
from kjizel :
let's see, physics? vector calc? and emotional rollercoasters? I've gotta add another fave to my profile! hehe...
from godfuck :
(thank you, dear. i appreciate your comment, more than i can express. heart.)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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