messages to maikamahi:
(click here to add new message):

from lindzeeleigh :
Hey Trina! Long time no talk or update! I miss it! How are you? I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful time with Adam and the rest of your family. All the best for 2005! ♥
from lindzeeleigh :
Awww, cute pics of the kiddies!! How adorable is the little mohawk?? Hehehe. I think those are really good Trina! You rock! :)
from lindzeeleigh :
Awww, yay, I am happy for you and Adam!! I think having a baby is wonderful and I wish you all the luck to get pregnant soon. I bet you will be great parents!! xoxo.
from hilarebel :
yea thanks for insulting me in your damn diary ya beoch. Why not go check out my manifestos top 20 reasons to kill your baby!!! woot!!!
from lindzeeleigh :
Just wanted to say hi and see how things are going for you lately. How is the moving and things with Adam. Hope things are well. :)
from lindzeeleigh :
Just wanted to wish you a HAPPY [belated] BIRTHDAY!!! hope you had an excellent day, you deserve it. :)
from kdpladybug :
Hey Trinsta! When are you gonna be in Idaho!?!?!?!? I miss you and Adam... Maybe i can find a way to get there while you're there to visit. I don't think I can recieve email from you so if it doesn't work...maybe you can send it to Gretta and have her send it to me. Love you tons! Love your favorite cousin-in-law, Kelsey
from mehnard :
Hi Trina!! that's one CRAZY dream! (ps...i don't even have a brother! lol but that's cool!!) dreams are weird like that! You are so sweet with all the nice things you said about me and the community! I love talking to you too! YOU'RE THE BEST! :) TALK LATER! LUVS, AMY
from soulsurvivor :
aloha? from hawaii?

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