messages to mcdude:
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from notalptrixie :
no a new year eh? Can I start charging for everyone who links from me to you?
from albygocougs :
believe it or not, ive actually dropped my keys down an elevator shaft before. idk why, but i had my keys in my hand as i was stepping into the elevator and just dropped them... like my muscles just stopped working long enough at exactly the right time... i called the building manager and they had the elevator maintenance person come over a day or two later and retrieve my keys from the basement. its still surreal.
from jenzback :
Cheating is about biology vs social convention. The drive can be set off for any number of reasons from love to anxiety. Maybe monogamy is worth striving for in some situations -- our society seems to believe it's what's best for our children, but even that is changing. I think the bottom line is The human brain is not hardwired for monogamy. It's hardwired for survival. Enjoyed your entry; smart, searching, honest and well above average.
from bigmonayho :
I like your diary. It made me laugh. I won't start on the buttering on bread thing though... lol
from scarydoll :
Hey! I clicked on your banner & just wanted to say that I totally think about that Back to the Future movie all the time... where he goes into the 'antique' store and there is a computer ... blah, blah... I love your sense of humor!
from dana-elayne :
Well, by gosh, it's about time you updated. It's very hard to keep a fan club running when the (are you the fanee or the fan-er) woshipped one runs off ;) Glad to see you update!
from sherpahigh :
I found your diary through someone's guestbook... Looked at your profile... and well I have to sincerely appreciate a guy who loves Radiohead and Zepellin... as well a good taste in movies.... so I read your diary... and I like. May I add you to my fav?
from emileeah :
i have just sent you an e.mail. but i just read the vanilla sky entry and had to say that YES FINALLY SOMEONE stops bashing the movie. i really loved it. that movie stayed in my head for weeks. and that is more than i can say for most of the crap that's out there right now.
from meenabell :
Vanilla Sky is a great movie. The original version is called "Open Your Eyes"'s set in Madrid and is subtitled. You should see it, too. It's absolutely mind-blowing.
from mousepoet :
The Bears gotta win this weekend. And every weekend. (Payton is/was my hero.)
from sinevil :
Dear McDude I am on a campaign to get as many people possible to sign my guestbook. Please come and read my site.

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