messages to mermaid8098:
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from slynn :
I need to give my cat another flea bath soon. Damn cats........ I am also afraid of my teeth falling out. Like, I keep touching my 2 front teeth to make sure they haven't moved or anything. Eh weird.
from slynn :
I feel like a stalker being the only one to leave you notes. But anyway, I just wanted to say that Zero 7 is awesomeness. Do you have The Postal Service cd? Everyone should have that.
from slynn :
I think my cat gave me ringworm on my leg. Bah. Maybe I'll try the bleach thing. Also, this one time I thought about my skeleton, but then it made me think of what will be left of me one day in a graveyard. Then I got depressed. Then I got some pie and forgot about it. The end.
from slynn :
Hey, from reading what you've written so far, you remind me of myself. Like how you go to sleep at 7am and wake up at 4pm. And don't have a job. And how you like Nellie Mckay. And you're going to Six Flags and I went there last month. Haha...yeah. Anyway, I'm adding you to my buddies list. Ok bye!

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