messages to pale-rose:
(click here to add new message):

from resonant :
sorry i got a new template and totally forgot! it should be there now tho!
from moonlight3 :
Thanks a bunch !! By the way nice poetry!
from moonlight3 :
Hey Iwas reading from your old enteries . I was cwondering where do you live?
from moonlight3 :
thank you!
from moonlight3 :
Thanks I think I will do that if I can figure out how?
from moonlight3 :
WOw this was my first time coming across your work. I found it very interesting and meaningfull.
from sir-inky :
It has been months, it has been since last year, it has been too long, i need to know you are still alive. IS ANYONE THERE? i also miss reading your work, so at least drop a line to let me know you have your fingers. HIS INKYNESS
from sir-inky :
Hey, this is another alias of the inky one. WHEN ARE YOU GOIN TO UPDATE. I am concerned for your well being an creativity. Please let me know if you are just too busy with your life or if I may await further for my literary godess to intise me with more of her story. Yours Truly awaiting news, Sir-Inky
from inky-mr :
well, i came from my page to yours through. . . tu da. . . . YOUR LINK. yes, you now have an amazing link to my new and improved layout, see ya around maybe, and hope you update soon.
from rockergemini :
i love you i love you i love you! you are inspiring and poetic and talented in every sense imaginable. I want to thank you formaking my day better! i love vampires and more than vampires I like to see writers on d-land! You are awesome at what you do and you have, in turn, inspired me. I started my own book at about vampires. Of course it doesnt add up to yours, but hey, its the best I can do, and once again I want to thank you for everything. Manda Gayle
from angelsenvy :
Hey man. I am leaving tomorrow. I will be back later on this summer so I hope that you have a great one!!!Adi!
from angelsenvy :
hey i have not heard from you in a long time. Just wanted to know whats up.
from angelsenvy :
Well thanks I would appreciate it lots.Hope the input is good.
from angelsenvy :
man you d. is awesome. you have the most awesome graphics maybe you can help with mine. please reply

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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