messages to pos-ses-sion:
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from malaclyptic :
dear friend, i was tooling around this digital void looking for fellow an informal statistical experiment, let's say...there's so few left in the suburbs...i came across yr diary and must say that you seem to have a lot of pain but are dealing with it fairly well. no worries, tho...anyway, you're groovey, yo, so it's a long walk back to eden, and thus don't sweat the small stuff. -the malaclypse
from liquid-mojo :
I was wondering when you would get on me about the layout thing. ;) I can probably do some immediate resizing tweaks to your layout to make it all more streamlined. As for my layout, I'll probably play around with an imageless one for now. Should I have an overwheling desire to put images in my layout, I'll keep your offer in mind.
from liquid-mojo :
Yeah, apathy comes in really handy. A solid defense mechanism if there ever was one. I found that giving of yourself, of your soul is one of the most interesting and frustrating conundrums. In doing so you open yourself up to almost infinite pleasure and pain and I keep wonering if anyone including myself has courage enough to venture into such intensity. But yeah I guess apathy will do for now...
from bare-my-soul :
yes, very important to cut and paste. thanks for your note! have a great week. love rose
from liquid-mojo :
Ah OK, yeah I'll be more than happy to tweak the layout for you. I'm assuming you want everything to fit in a 1024 x 768 screen resolution...
from liquid-mojo :
I imagine you being able to talk me into quite a few things, so a layout redesign is not totally out of the question. ;) Not that your diary needs a redesign as you have one of the nicest layouts I've seen. I especially love the central image, really sexy. Did you design the layout and the image yourself?
from liquid-mojo :
For search engines like Google that rely on web crawling "bots" eventually if you get rid of a particular entry or page the reference to that page in searches will either dissapear or be de-prioritized.
from juniperhexum :
This is entirely random. I just saw you through liquid-mojo's profile and saw you had Susan Tedeshi on your favorites. I had the priveledge of seeing her, Buddy Guy, and Jonny Lang all in one night. She's amazing isnt she?

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