messages to pottymouth:
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from umbranycta :
I like your diary. You're a lot like me, only I don't know how to express myself the way you can. You're lucky to have Steve, because it could be so much worse. When I was 19, (two years ago, I'm 21 too) I was with Dave, and he swore he'd be a good father to our child, and then drove me to a clinic to have an abortion, before I'd made up my mind because, 'I just can't afford a mistake like that.' A mistake. He was a mistake too, but I didn't realize that until last year. *smiles* Enjoy your baby, and be glad that he was never a mistake, but a gift.
from escape53 :
hi, thanks so much for your comments. Its great to see your diary. Thanks for letting me know you're here. Keep Writing!
from celinha :
hi can i have my pants back ?! (ha ha, just kidding. no, wait. no keep them! no really, it's fine. i don't need pants.)
from lizzymay :
Hi, what a terrific thing you have going here. Hope your new year is a great one. Peace, Liz
from bonkrood :
I'm a fan. Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in on this one too.
from lordspooky :
Shhh! I have a secret to tell you! Are you listening? No, lean closer, that's right, so my lips almost touch your ear....... California isn't as exciting as people think! I only say this because, really, 99% of people I know have no idea how to surf, nor do they give a damn about surfing, nor is the weather ever particularly conducive to surfing. No, California isn't very exciting, it's just less boring than a lot of other places. Oh, and on a side note, you know what's wrong with guys? Nothing. But for some reason the ones you and almost all other girls pick to date are the arseholes. Nice quiet guys, they get zilch. Loud braindead guys, they get much in the way of booty. The solution is simple, really - just date quiet boys with bad self esteem and trendy black glasses. They don't talk smack about you behind your back, they don't cheat, they buy you things, they think you must have eye trouble or else a goddess like you wouldn't be dating a hideous critter like them, and they even leave the toilet seat down. What more could you want?
from pottymouth :
wow, all my comment thingies disappeared! what up with that?

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