messages to prosable:
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from pink-circle :
{Circle Invite} On behalf of the circle, I would like to invite you the our writer's group. We are in the middle of a reform, to rebuild our group. I have noticed your displayed interest in poetry &/or writing, please visit our site. If you're interested, leave a note to this account. -Circle Council
from stephielove :
Hi! I found your diary though the army-wives diaryring My husband is also stationed out of Ft. Lewis and he's in Iraq for a year (11 months to go!). Good luck with your upcoming baby (unless I'm remembering dates wrong and you've already delivered him). Done rambling, now! :)
from reynedecoupe :
Welcome back! You were missed! Glad to hear its all doing well, apart from the pains of pregnancy... is he twisting and grinding on your bladder yet? Oh, how I dont miss that! ;)
from drewbears :
Oh I so don't miss those pee runs at night! :o) I found your diary through the Mommies diary ring.
from gnomad :
so should I take the love linkage off the others?
from gnomad :
Wooo hoo! Love the new digs, sweetie! Nicely done, as always. *big hug*
from reynedecoupe :
Hehe, pregnancy dreams! With my last I dreamed "he" was a black chicken with a baby's face! I was more concerned about how to put a nappy on it! (He turned out to be she). Love the new diary, its great to see some pics.
from sylviashadow :
Thanks for joining poetica! May the muses always whisper in your ear.--sylviashadow,ringleader
from luciangrey :
Welcome, superb new layout.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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