messages to saikai:
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from sunnflower :
Glad you are doing the Friday Finds!
from sunnflower :
I love your Friday Finds. I ran into an old friend today too and it was a wonderful find that I didn't think about listing. Good idea.
from sunnflower :
Thanks for leaving me a birthday note last week! That was so nice and I really appreciated it.
from sunnflower :
Thanks for stopping by my Friday Finds for last week. They're fun to do so I hope you give them a try too. I love the wonderful picture of your family.
from sunnflower :
Well, I didn't really want to hang up on my dad and I didn't slam down the phone. I just put it down in the cradle and went back to what I was doing because it wasn't going to do any good to get deeper into that argument. Happy Birthday to you!! I am sorry that it wasn't as much fun as you'd hoped. Are you sure it wasn't your mom's BD as she got the extra $15 from the cake and didn't have to clean up afterwards. Just joking! Hugs and Happy BD to you, dear!
from sunnflower :
So you are a book lover too! Reading is such a great way to spend time. I wouldn't worry about eating too much once in awhile. Who can resist those special foods made for special times? I don't think that indulging in that occasionally will impact your weight over the long run. What are mooncakes anyway? Sounds interesting.
from sunnflower :
I really liked the letter you wrote that you shared in your latest entry.
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words
from sunnflower :
I'm impressed with your exercise regime. I am trying to build up to getting going on an exercise program but keep putting it off.
from sunnflower :
Hope your leg feels better and you get a job you like. Sorry to hear about the fact that you are missing a few invitations because of someone who doesn't like you but use that time wisely for other things and see it as an opportunity to do something else even better. I once read about a woman who didn't get invited to some big event that other friends did so she worked on some application and wound up getting a big promotion.
from sunnflower :
I was reading your entry about your family and all the difficulties through the years. I am sure that was difficult to write. It seems that you have come out of all this with a lot of clarity about the better path that your life will take. It is true that sometimes the choices we make in who we bring into our life - like your mom's choice of a mate - can change our life for good or bad. It happens in all our lives to some degree whether good or bad and you really underlined that for me with your entry.
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island. I am very honored to be the first person added to your Dland faves list! And welcome to Diaryland!

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